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69 or Sixty-nine is a slang term and memetic number used to refer to a sex position due to the number looking like two people having mutual oral sex. Online, it has a reputation as "the sex number," and has been featured in numerous memes and jokes over the years. People often joke about it by replying "nice" to posts that use the number 69 regardless of the context in which the number is used.


History as a Sexual Term

The earliest evidence of people participating in the sexual position was in France in the 1790s.[1] Soon after the position became known, the term soixante-neuf (French for sixty-nine, hence the number) was given to it. The earliest known use appeared in Whore's Catechisms in France. The Kama Sutra refers to the position as "The Congress of a Crow."

The term began appearing in American pop culture in the mid-late 20th century. Notably, two pop songs, in particular, use the number to refer to the sex position. The first, "She Blew My Mind (69 Times)," was composed by R&B singer Rick James in 1982.[2] The chorus of the song goes "She blew my mind 69 times," a reference to "blowing" being slang for oral sex and the number being a reference to the position (shown below, left). The other, more controversially, is Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69," composed in 1984 (shown below, right). While his co-writer, Jim Vallance, denies rumors that the song is a reference to the sex position, Adams explicitly states it is about the sex position in an interview cited by Uproxx.[3]

I think [“Summer of ’69” is] timeless because it’s about making love in the summertime. There is a slight misconception it’s about a year, but it’s not. “69” has nothing to do about a year, it has to do with a sexual position…At the end of the song, the lyric says that it’s me and my baby in a 69. You’d have to be pretty thick in the ears if you couldn’t get that lyric.

In the 1989 comedy film Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, the titular characters choose "69," when asked to randomly pick a number that would prove their future selves were truly them (shown below).[9]

Internet Usage

It is unknown when exactly the first use of the number 69 as a slang term for the sexual position appeared online, however, it was prevalent dating back to at least the early 2000s. On December 8th, 2003, Urban Dictionary user starflier[4] uploaded the commonly understood definition of the number, gaining over 20,600 upvotes in 14 years.

2 69 Simultaneous oral sex. Can be practised by M+M, M+For F+F The reference is that the numerals 6 and 9 are inverted versions of each other, reflecting the physical position that the couple must adopt when engaged in this sexual practice. The two girls were in a 69, licking each other's p------ by starflier December 08, 2003

Simultaneous oral sex. Can be practised by M+M, M+F or F+F. The reference is that the numerals 6 and 9 are inverted versions of each other, reflecting the physical position that the couple must adopt when engaged in this sexual practice.


Usage and Association with "Nice"

Online, it is a common practice to reply to every post with the number 69 in it, regardless of context, with "nice." In June 2017, The Daily Dot[5] published an extensive history of the practice. According to its research, the words "69" and "nice" began to be commonly associated together in the summer of 2008 (examples shown below).

aaron brazell @technosailor Follow 69 diggs? Nice number. http://is.gd/opp 6:08 PM- 30 May 2008
Oblivion Ratula @Oblivion Follow Just installed a new copy of MS Office. Part of the product key was "BJ-69.". Nice. 4:38 PM-1 Jul 2008

The Daily Dot notes that the practice of saying "nice" after 69 likely originates from an episode of South Park called "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy" in which the cops respond to claims that a female teacher is having sex with a male toddler with, "Nice" (seen below).

Prominent early examples of "69" being associated with "nice" came in 2009 with regard to sporting events. For example, during a football game, commentator Al Michaels mentioned how Vikings defender Jared Allen was harassing quarterback Kurt Warner by saying, "Sooner or later, #69 will be in your face." Twitter user Playstub replied to the quote with "nice" (shown below).

s PlayStub y Follow @playstub Nice. RT @normalguyguide hahaha al michaels on jared allen: "sooner or later, #69 will be in your face."#Cardinals http://bit.ly/6xRkk4 10:58 PM-6 Dec 2009

In the following years, it would become practice to mass-reply to any tweet or comment around the internet with the number in it, regardless of context, with "nice." For example, when Barack Obama tweeted that 69 percent of Americans wanted hearings for his Supreme Court nominee pick Merrick Garland on May 13th, 2016,[6] the primary response was "nice" (examples shown below).

Barack Obama @BarackObama Following Senate leaders should listen to the American people. #DoYourJob Center for Aerican Progress May 9 69% A majority of Americans want the Senate to hold hearings and vote on Judge Garland. #DoYourlob
Conrad Kaczmarek @ConradKaz 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice joe @JoeAlv 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice Mandatory Glasses·@PraxisKenzie-13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama Nice 8 nuanced opinion guy @charles_kinbote 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice 8 Matty D @HaightStRecords 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice 8 Farages F----- Face @UKIPBlackpool 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice

Various Examples

.0000 Sprint令 9:13 AM c 51% . oooo Sprint 9:13 AM r/space u/ENTdrHayes 9h blogs.scientificamerican Share 4.4k 1.1k Jupiter Now Has 69 Moons [removed] vote deleted).2h [removed] deleted) 2h removed] blogs.scientificamerican.com deleted] 2h [removed] 14.4k 凶Share vote 98 BEST COMMENTS ▼ deleted] 4h [removed] [deleted] 8h [removed] ← Reply 1.3k ↓ deleted].5h [removed] deleted] 4h [removed] ← 436 98 497 ↓ deleted] 4h [removed] deleted) 3h Add a comment deleted) 4h
69 catches. 1,313 yards. 17 TDs. And that was just the beginning. 7:01 i Randy Moss' Rookie Season Highlights NFL RetweetsLikes 104 238 1:20 PM 16 Jun 2017 10 t 104 238 weet your reply Kazuto Yamazaki @KazutoYamazaki 13m Replying to @Vikings nice Sox Mafia George @alexgeorgio13 15m Replying to @Vikings Nice Giles Ferrell @gilesferrell 14m すReplying to @Vikings Nice abrew sploopst @sploopst Replying to @Vikings nice 2m Tyson Jorstad @tysonjorstad 2m Replying to @Vikings Nice
Gronk averages 69 yards a game for his career #nice Receiving & Rushing * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro Glossary Receiving Year Age Rec Yds Y/R TD Lng R/G Y/G Ctch% 2010 2011*+ 22 901327 14.7 17 52 5.6 82.9 72.6% 2012* 2013 2014*+ 25 82 1124 13.7 12 46 5.5 74.9 62.6% 2015*+ 26 72 1176 16.3 11 76 4.8 78.4 60.0% 2016 Career 21 42 546 13.0 10 28 2.6 34.1 71.2% 23 55 790 14.4 11 41 5.0 71.8 69.6% 24 | 39 592 15.2 4 50 5.6 84.6 59.1%) 27 25 540 21.6 3 53 3.1 67.5 65.8% 405 6095 15.0 68 76 4.6 69.3

Bob Vulfov abobvulfov Follow COP: i clocked u going 69 mph back there ME: nice COP: nice ME: nice CoP: nice ME: nice COP: nice
Ally Gator @notacroc Follow [69 Jump Street] [fade in] Channing Tatum: *staring at test score of 69 for two hours* Jonah Hill: *leans over* nice [fade out]
16 of 19 16 19 6 9 69 Nice. Tim Linafelt / FSU·@TimLinafelt - Noles have appeared in 16 of the 19 Super Regionals since the tournament went to that format. Craziness.

Trump's "69 / Nice" Tweet

On February 13th, 2019, Donald Trump tweeted "The Gallup Poll just announced that 69% of our great citizens expect their finances to improve next year, a 16 year high. Nice!"[7]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Follow The Gallup Poll just announced that 69% of our great citizens expect their finances to improve next year, a 16 year high. Nice! 1:01 AM-13 Feb 2019

People quickly noticed that Trump had used both "69" and "nice" in the same tweet, leading to some stunned reactions as people wondered whether Trump had intentionally used the joke. Twitter user @SonOfGodandMan, a Jesus Christ parody account, called it Trump's "best tweet ever," gaining over 170 likes (shown below, left). User @itsjefftiedrich posted "oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god he didn't did he," gaining over 240 likes (shown below, right).

Jesus Christ @SonOfGodAndMan Follow Replying to @realDonaldTrump This is probably your best Tweet ever. Not gonna lie. 1:02 AM-13 Feb 2019
Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich Follow 습.y Replying to @realDonaldTrump oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god he didn't did he 1:04 AM -13 Feb 2019

Others expressed dismay that the use of "69" and "nice" was likely unintentional and could have the unintended consequence of ruining the joke. Reporter Ashley Feinberg tweeted "folks i'm sorry, 69 is cancelled," gaining over 60 retweets and 740 likes in roughly half an hour (shown below, left). User @goldengateblond tweeted "farewell 69, you had a good run" (shown below, right). The tweet and reactions were covered by several media outlets such as Indy100 and Mashable.[8]

Ashley Feinberg @ashleyfeinberg folks i'm sorry, 69 is cancelled 1:04 AM-13 Feb 2019
shauna Follow @goldengateblono farewell 69, you had a good run Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump The Gallup Poll just announced that 69% of our great citizens expect their finances to improve next year, a 16 year high. Nice! 7:01 AM 2/13/19 Twitter for iPhone

Type YY Into Google

Type YY Into Google refers to an interactive joke which required participants to search the Chinese company YY in the Google search engine between 4 p.m. on June 28th, and 9:30 a.m. EST on July 1st, 2019. The inquiry produced a panel with the company's share price as of the stock market closing time on June 28th, which was at 69.69 USD; a double "sex number."

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69 nice meme depicting the number sixty-nine in a white box with a meme surrounded by nice in the background.

69 / Sixty-Nine

Part of a series on Internet Slang. [View Related Entries]
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This entry contains content that may be considered sensitive to some viewers.


69 or Sixty-nine is a slang term and memetic number used to refer to a sex position due to the number looking like two people having mutual oral sex. Online, it has a reputation as "the sex number," and has been featured in numerous memes and jokes over the years. People often joke about it by replying "nice" to posts that use the number 69 regardless of the context in which the number is used.


History as a Sexual Term

The earliest evidence of people participating in the sexual position was in France in the 1790s.[1] Soon after the position became known, the term soixante-neuf (French for sixty-nine, hence the number) was given to it. The earliest known use appeared in Whore's Catechisms in France. The Kama Sutra refers to the position as "The Congress of a Crow."

The term began appearing in American pop culture in the mid-late 20th century. Notably, two pop songs, in particular, use the number to refer to the sex position. The first, "She Blew My Mind (69 Times)," was composed by R&B singer Rick James in 1982.[2] The chorus of the song goes "She blew my mind 69 times," a reference to "blowing" being slang for oral sex and the number being a reference to the position (shown below, left). The other, more controversially, is Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69," composed in 1984 (shown below, right). While his co-writer, Jim Vallance, denies rumors that the song is a reference to the sex position, Adams explicitly states it is about the sex position in an interview cited by Uproxx.[3]

I think [“Summer of ’69” is] timeless because it’s about making love in the summertime. There is a slight misconception it’s about a year, but it’s not. “69” has nothing to do about a year, it has to do with a sexual position…At the end of the song, the lyric says that it’s me and my baby in a 69. You’d have to be pretty thick in the ears if you couldn’t get that lyric.

In the 1989 comedy film Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, the titular characters choose "69," when asked to randomly pick a number that would prove their future selves were truly them (shown below).[9]

Internet Usage

It is unknown when exactly the first use of the number 69 as a slang term for the sexual position appeared online, however, it was prevalent dating back to at least the early 2000s. On December 8th, 2003, Urban Dictionary user starflier[4] uploaded the commonly understood definition of the number, gaining over 20,600 upvotes in 14 years.

2 69 Simultaneous oral sex. Can be practised by M+M, M+For F+F The reference is that the numerals 6 and 9 are inverted versions of each other, reflecting the physical position that the couple must adopt when engaged in this sexual practice. The two girls were in a 69, licking each other's p------ by starflier December 08, 2003

Simultaneous oral sex. Can be practised by M+M, M+F or F+F. The reference is that the numerals 6 and 9 are inverted versions of each other, reflecting the physical position that the couple must adopt when engaged in this sexual practice.


Usage and Association with "Nice"

Online, it is a common practice to reply to every post with the number 69 in it, regardless of context, with "nice." In June 2017, The Daily Dot[5] published an extensive history of the practice. According to its research, the words "69" and "nice" began to be commonly associated together in the summer of 2008 (examples shown below).

aaron brazell @technosailor Follow 69 diggs? Nice number. http://is.gd/opp 6:08 PM- 30 May 2008 Oblivion Ratula @Oblivion Follow Just installed a new copy of MS Office. Part of the product key was "BJ-69.". Nice. 4:38 PM-1 Jul 2008

The Daily Dot notes that the practice of saying "nice" after 69 likely originates from an episode of South Park called "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy" in which the cops respond to claims that a female teacher is having sex with a male toddler with, "Nice" (seen below).

Prominent early examples of "69" being associated with "nice" came in 2009 with regard to sporting events. For example, during a football game, commentator Al Michaels mentioned how Vikings defender Jared Allen was harassing quarterback Kurt Warner by saying, "Sooner or later, #69 will be in your face." Twitter user Playstub replied to the quote with "nice" (shown below).

s PlayStub y Follow @playstub Nice. RT @normalguyguide hahaha al michaels on jared allen: "sooner or later, #69 will be in your face."#Cardinals http://bit.ly/6xRkk4 10:58 PM-6 Dec 2009

In the following years, it would become practice to mass-reply to any tweet or comment around the internet with the number in it, regardless of context, with "nice." For example, when Barack Obama tweeted that 69 percent of Americans wanted hearings for his Supreme Court nominee pick Merrick Garland on May 13th, 2016,[6] the primary response was "nice" (examples shown below).

Barack Obama @BarackObama Following Senate leaders should listen to the American people. #DoYourJob Center for Aerican Progress May 9 69% A majority of Americans want the Senate to hold hearings and vote on Judge Garland. #DoYourlob Conrad Kaczmarek @ConradKaz 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice joe @JoeAlv 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice Mandatory Glasses·@PraxisKenzie-13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama Nice 8 nuanced opinion guy @charles_kinbote 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice 8 Matty D @HaightStRecords 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice 8 Farages F----- Face @UKIPBlackpool 13 May 2016 Replying to @BarackObama nice

Various Examples

.0000 Sprint令 9:13 AM c 51% . oooo Sprint 9:13 AM r/space u/ENTdrHayes 9h blogs.scientificamerican Share 4.4k 1.1k Jupiter Now Has 69 Moons [removed] vote deleted).2h [removed] deleted) 2h removed] blogs.scientificamerican.com deleted] 2h [removed] 14.4k 凶Share vote 98 BEST COMMENTS ▼ deleted] 4h [removed] [deleted] 8h [removed] ← Reply 1.3k ↓ deleted].5h [removed] deleted] 4h [removed] ← 436 98 497 ↓ deleted] 4h [removed] deleted) 3h Add a comment deleted) 4h 69 catches. 1,313 yards. 17 TDs. And that was just the beginning. 7:01 i Randy Moss' Rookie Season Highlights NFL RetweetsLikes 104 238 1:20 PM 16 Jun 2017 10 t 104 238 weet your reply Kazuto Yamazaki @KazutoYamazaki 13m Replying to @Vikings nice Sox Mafia George @alexgeorgio13 15m Replying to @Vikings Nice Giles Ferrell @gilesferrell 14m すReplying to @Vikings Nice abrew sploopst @sploopst Replying to @Vikings nice 2m Tyson Jorstad @tysonjorstad 2m Replying to @Vikings Nice Gronk averages 69 yards a game for his career #nice Receiving & Rushing * Selected to Pro Bowl, + First-Team All-Pro Glossary Receiving Year Age Rec Yds Y/R TD Lng R/G Y/G Ctch% 2010 2011*+ 22 901327 14.7 17 52 5.6 82.9 72.6% 2012* 2013 2014*+ 25 82 1124 13.7 12 46 5.5 74.9 62.6% 2015*+ 26 72 1176 16.3 11 76 4.8 78.4 60.0% 2016 Career 21 42 546 13.0 10 28 2.6 34.1 71.2% 23 55 790 14.4 11 41 5.0 71.8 69.6% 24 | 39 592 15.2 4 50 5.6 84.6 59.1%) 27 25 540 21.6 3 53 3.1 67.5 65.8% 405 6095 15.0 68 76 4.6 69.3

Bob Vulfov abobvulfov Follow COP: i clocked u going 69 mph back there ME: nice COP: nice ME: nice CoP: nice ME: nice COP: nice Ally Gator @notacroc Follow [69 Jump Street] [fade in] Channing Tatum: *staring at test score of 69 for two hours* Jonah Hill: *leans over* nice [fade out] 16 of 19 16 19 6 9 69 Nice. Tim Linafelt / FSU·@TimLinafelt - Noles have appeared in 16 of the 19 Super Regionals since the tournament went to that format. Craziness.

Trump's "69 / Nice" Tweet

On February 13th, 2019, Donald Trump tweeted "The Gallup Poll just announced that 69% of our great citizens expect their finances to improve next year, a 16 year high. Nice!"[7]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Follow The Gallup Poll just announced that 69% of our great citizens expect their finances to improve next year, a 16 year high. Nice! 1:01 AM-13 Feb 2019

People quickly noticed that Trump had used both "69" and "nice" in the same tweet, leading to some stunned reactions as people wondered whether Trump had intentionally used the joke. Twitter user @SonOfGodandMan, a Jesus Christ parody account, called it Trump's "best tweet ever," gaining over 170 likes (shown below, left). User @itsjefftiedrich posted "oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god he didn't did he," gaining over 240 likes (shown below, right).

Jesus Christ @SonOfGodAndMan Follow Replying to @realDonaldTrump This is probably your best Tweet ever. Not gonna lie. 1:02 AM-13 Feb 2019 Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich Follow 습.y Replying to @realDonaldTrump oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god he didn't did he 1:04 AM -13 Feb 2019

Others expressed dismay that the use of "69" and "nice" was likely unintentional and could have the unintended consequence of ruining the joke. Reporter Ashley Feinberg tweeted "folks i'm sorry, 69 is cancelled," gaining over 60 retweets and 740 likes in roughly half an hour (shown below, left). User @goldengateblond tweeted "farewell 69, you had a good run" (shown below, right). The tweet and reactions were covered by several media outlets such as Indy100 and Mashable.[8]

Ashley Feinberg @ashleyfeinberg folks i'm sorry, 69 is cancelled 1:04 AM-13 Feb 2019 shauna Follow @goldengateblono farewell 69, you had a good run Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump The Gallup Poll just announced that 69% of our great citizens expect their finances to improve next year, a 16 year high. Nice! 7:01 AM 2/13/19 Twitter for iPhone

Type YY Into Google

Type YY Into Google refers to an interactive joke which required participants to search the Chinese company YY in the Google search engine between 4 p.m. on June 28th, and 9:30 a.m. EST on July 1st, 2019. The inquiry produced a panel with the company's share price as of the stock market closing time on June 28th, which was at 69.69 USD; a double "sex number."

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