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Let's See Who This Really Is

Added 6 years ago by Don • Updated about a month ago by Y F
Added 6 years ago by Don • Updated about a month ago by Y F

Let's See Who This Really Is
Let's See Who This Really Is

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Origin: Region:
Type: Exploitable Image Macro
Tags: scooby doo mask deception photoshop exploitable patterninterrupt

Additional References: Meme Generator


Let's See Who This Really Is, also known as Scooby Doo Reveal, is an exploitable image macro series featuring a scene from the Scooby Doo animated television series in which a man dressed as a ghost is unmasked. Online, photoshopped screenshots of the scene are often used in jokes mocking similarities between various characters and internet memes.


On September 27th, 1969, the Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! episode "Hassle in the Castle" was broadcast, in which the Mystery Inc. gang apprehends a man dressed as a ghost and takes off his mask, discovering that it is the ex-magician Bluestone the Great (shown below).


On July 16th 2017, Twitter user @SmashBros_Nin[1] tweeted a multi-panel image macro based on the scene featuring the character Crash Bandicoot unmasked to reveal a Dark Souls character, referencing the It's Just Like Dark Souls meme (shown below, left). On October 11th, Redditor alex2800 submitted a photoshop of the image featuring a Pingu Noot Noot that is revealed to be Skull Trumpet (shown below, right). Prior to being archived, the post gained over 4,300 points (98% upvoted) and 30 comments on /r/dankmemes.[2]

Okay gang, let's see who Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Dark Souls have praised the An it weren ttor you medding kids noot noot oot doot

On April 18th, 2018, Redditor Patterninterrupt submitted a variation of the image in which Who Killed Hannibal? is revealed to be Baton Roue in disguise (shown below). Within 24 hours, the post gained over 8,800 points (83% upvoted) and 100 comments on /r/MemeEconomy.[3]

Various Examples

Okay gang, let's see who the ghost really is. 0 2 RALPH IWTERNET okay gang, let's see who the movie really iS 2 RALP INTERNET BREAKS THE JI MOVIE The Emoji Movie?!! Okay gang, let's see who Ajit Pai really is veri7onwireless Verizon?l Okay gang, let's see what this meme really is. 0 Zodiac killer really is Ted Cru? And away with ittoo if it weren for you meddling politicians Let me see who you really are I knew it

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – SmashBros_Nin

[2] Reddit – /r/dankmemes

[3] Reddit – /r/MemeEconomy

[4] Reddit – /r/MGTOW

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