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<:[Dream General]:>

Last posted Mar 07, 2014 at 04:49PM EST. Added Jul 20, 2012 at 01:37PM EDT
556 posts from 115 users

There was never a Dream General, so I made one.

I had a dream once, and it was awesome.

Now, the best dream i've ever had,

I was feeling sad, sitting on my bed.
and then… insert warp whistle noise here.
My head rose. I looked outside, and guess what?
The Official Nintendo Resteraunt!
I put my happy face on, and ran outside.
The menu the menu, it was delicous sounding.

Koopa Tenders with a side of Bowser Fries.
Yoshi's scrambled egg.
Bowser Jr. 16 oz. soft drink.
Bowser 32. oz soft drink.
Waluigi's Breadsticks.
Wario's Turkey.
Mario's Pizza.
Luigi's Spaghetti.
And so much more.
I got the Koopa Tenders, and registered the number on the bus so they could come again.

Now post your dream!

Last edited Dec 28, 2012 at 05:36PM EST
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Alex>_> wrote:

^Violation of rule 4

^Please stop or I will ask the admins to warn you.
"Leave FK alone. Harassing people is never alright, both IRL and online. It’s also a bannable offense." – Electric Muffin

How is that a harrasment?
Rule 4: No flooding or spamming

You have been making alot of threads lately.
And you made this same thread that was locked before, so there was something that people didnt find amusing about the last one, so why do it again? Participate in other threads rather than making them alot.

>Dreaming I'm at a Daft Punk concert
>Suddenly an alien spacecraft appears
>It lands right in front of the stage
>It make a fwoosh sound
>Aliens open the door
>get on the floor
>everyone walk the dinosaur

Woops, I broke rule 3. "No spamming 'DAFT' shit"

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 02:20PM EDT

I once had A dream where I was Naoi Ayato…
then I fell out of the sky and landed in a well.
I somehow climbed out.
I was at the hakurei shrine.
I decided to donate money.
I then realised I had NO money to donate.
I then decided to go the the scarlet mansion or whatever. I didn't play much touhou or know too much about it.
I was like give me your moneys!
I started walking forward like haters gonna hate and all that.
A curvy lazar was about to hit me, and I was like NOPE
I started to walk in a vertical direction, then horizontal again.
Haters gonna hate.
Shits happens
Gorrillas in the bath tub.
more shit happens.
find money
donate a penny
keep the rest for myself.
The End

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Why do you guys downvote everything I say? Your going to fucking lock my threads. And I hate it when people say I'm "daft" and start fucking being little dicks.
I've had it. You've ruined everythread.
Now get off for the sake of this thread, and do something productive.

Spores wrote:

Why do you guys downvote everything I say? Your going to fucking lock my threads. And I hate it when people say I'm "daft" and start fucking being little dicks.
I've had it. You've ruined everythread.
Now get off for the sake of this thread, and do something productive.

I have a dream.

I have a dream that OP would stop complaining and would let the past stay in the past.
I have a dream that all threads are created equal and have no boundaries.
I have a dream today!
Edit: Upon my reflection of this thread. I realized this thread did have potential but once the FK set up those ground rules he inadvertadly derailed this thread on its creation, The intention was good but the execution was terrible.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 10:34PM EDT



WTF, guys? This had the potential to be interesting, but instead everyone just dogpiles the OP?


And the only reason OP's been making so many threads is because OP wants to talk about this but didn't find a still open thread about it. Instead, everyone jumps on the OP and starts attacking for no reason, getting the thread locked.

I think the banhammer needs to be deployed. But not against the OP. Against everyone else.

This could actually have been a decent thread if we ignored the stupidity that was in the original post, but we couldn't let our hatred of ShyGuy go.
Ah well.
EDIT: Nair pretty ninja'd what I was gonna say. Oh well.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 10:23PM EDT

Piano wrote:

@Nair and Cite

Okay, so why don't we just start posting about dreams then? It's not like a thread can't be re-railed.

Because I have no interesting dreams other than that redacted dream I mentioned in the other thread.
And there was a reason it was redacted.

Piano wrote:

@Nair and Cite

Okay, so why don't we just start posting about dreams then? It's not like a thread can't be re-railed.

The reason I don't is because I can't remember my dreams. Really sucks, that.

You're all being belligerent assholes right now. Seriously, it's people like you that are sending this community straight to hell. You people are harassing FK for absolutely no reason other than for your own amusement.

No, this isn't flooding. The OP is simply asking for you to share any dreams you may have had. A simple request, I would think. Also, is it so hard to share a fucking series of numbers? Or just move on?

I'm quoting this from the rules:

Be friendly. We want our forums to be welcoming place for both old and new users. Please keep your comments and posts constructive and considerate in tone. If you observe a user breaking a rule, try advising the user in the right direction instead of posting insults or harsh criticisms. If the user persists, contact a forum moderator.

All of you have been absolute assholes. None of your posts in FK's threads have been constructive, and their only purpose has been to harass him. If this continues, I'm reporting all of you.


I had a dream where BSoD was riding a dolphin and whistling the monkey island theme song. It was weird.

Last edited Jul 20, 2012 at 10:49PM EDT

Muffins wrote:

You're all being belligerent assholes right now. Seriously, it's people like you that are sending this community straight to hell. You people are harassing FK for absolutely no reason other than for your own amusement.

No, this isn't flooding. The OP is simply asking for you to share any dreams you may have had. A simple request, I would think. Also, is it so hard to share a fucking series of numbers? Or just move on?

I'm quoting this from the rules:

Be friendly. We want our forums to be welcoming place for both old and new users. Please keep your comments and posts constructive and considerate in tone. If you observe a user breaking a rule, try advising the user in the right direction instead of posting insults or harsh criticisms. If the user persists, contact a forum moderator.

All of you have been absolute assholes. None of your posts in FK's threads have been constructive, and their only purpose has been to harass him. If this continues, I'm reporting all of you.


I had a dream where BSoD was riding a dolphin and whistling the monkey island theme song. It was weird.

Why… Why was he… How does a…

Your dreams are messed up dude.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:



WTF, guys? This had the potential to be interesting, but instead everyone just dogpiles the OP?


And the only reason OP's been making so many threads is because OP wants to talk about this but didn't find a still open thread about it. Instead, everyone jumps on the OP and starts attacking for no reason, getting the thread locked.

I think the banhammer needs to be deployed. But not against the OP. Against everyone else.

Okay look. This is the problem I have with you and Funky right now.

Stop responding to anything you don't like with "DELPOY DER BANHANER" or "LOKC PLS".

Locks and Bans are not for you to demand when something you don't like happens. Even if someone is bullying, then alert someone who has the ability to deal with it, don't cluster fuck a conversation and thread with your constant complaints, because even if you do, a PM is far more likely and faster to get results.

I had a dream that I was trapped in a school/business center with a bunch of people, and Dolan was running around massacring everyone with a shotgun. It got down to about thirty people, and we were all huddled into a dark corner. Suddenly, we heard music. Two of the guys went to check it out, and found Dolan giving all his attention to the music video of "Party Rock Anthem", which turned him back into a real duck. Then we all went crazy with happiness at not being killed and had a banquet.

Piano wrote:

A lot of people are rude in the IRC, though.

You should visit irc again sometime Fedora, I'm sure you would have a wonderful time.

Jokes aside.
The most recent dream I had that I can remember, I was standing on a pill bottle cap about the size of a frisbee and it was sort of just floating around guiding me across this huge field of rainbow flowers. Out of nowhere I suddenly was in a cave, still riding on the cap. The cave slowly became like a McDonald's indoor playground, but a lot bigger. In between each pipe, there were large rooms with different events occurring. The first was this scene:

After witnessing that spectacle I passed through several other movie scenes with catchy songs. However at some point everything turned to old-style American cartoon graphics and started melting away like wax.
Then I woke up, looked around,
got impaled by a unicorn,
woke up again, looked around for unicorns,
saw only the vast ocean, and woke up for a final time.


Why… Why was he… How does a…

Your dreams are messed up dude.

Oh that's nothing. As I mentioned to Muffins, I once had a dream where I had sloppy make outs with an R63 version of Gespensts avatar in a bathtub (And that was the last time I stayed up late reading the shipping thread). I can't remember which avatar it was, this was a while back during the shipping threads hey-day

Also just this night I dreamed I went postal in a drug cartel warehouse full of thugs and murdered dozens criminals with a screwdriver and a scalpel.

I had a particularly interesting scalpel fight with a crimelord dressed as a catholic priest too, but the battle ended in a stalemate

I also had another recent dream where I was Twilight Sparkle in Minecraft fighting off hordes of creepers by blasting them with magic missiles from my horn. Creepers just kept coming out of the ground however.

Celestia was in the sky watching and telling me this situation was entirely my fault and at some point I needed to realize the reality I had put myself in. Not sure what she meant.

That dream gave me the idea that creepers are essentially walking fungi that grow from the ground. They explode to release spores that seed more creepers everywhere. They do it near living creatures so that creepers can grow on the corpses as fertilizer

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 12:02AM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


Why… Why was he… How does a…

Your dreams are messed up dude.

Oh that's nothing. As I mentioned to Muffins, I once had a dream where I had sloppy make outs with an R63 version of Gespensts avatar in a bathtub (And that was the last time I stayed up late reading the shipping thread). I can't remember which avatar it was, this was a while back during the shipping threads hey-day

Also just this night I dreamed I went postal in a drug cartel warehouse full of thugs and murdered dozens criminals with a screwdriver and a scalpel.

I had a particularly interesting scalpel fight with a crimelord dressed as a catholic priest too, but the battle ended in a stalemate

I also had another recent dream where I was Twilight Sparkle in Minecraft fighting off hordes of creepers by blasting them with magic missiles from my horn. Creepers just kept coming out of the ground however.

Celestia was in the sky watching and telling me this situation was entirely my fault and at some point I needed to realize the reality I had put myself in. Not sure what she meant.

That dream gave me the idea that creepers are essentially walking fungi that grow from the ground. They explode to release spores that seed more creepers everywhere. They do it near living creatures so that creepers can grow on the corpses as fertilizer


Guys, you're the ones being DAFT.
Let Funky have his fun. He's a user just like us.
I'm sorry Funky. I was the DAFT one.
Will you forgive me?

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 12:18AM EDT

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:



WTF, guys? This had the potential to be interesting, but instead everyone just dogpiles the OP?


And the only reason OP's been making so many threads is because OP wants to talk about this but didn't find a still open thread about it. Instead, everyone jumps on the OP and starts attacking for no reason, getting the thread locked.

I think the banhammer needs to be deployed. But not against the OP. Against everyone else.

>That feel when Nair is the most logical and calm minded person in the thread

Stop telling threatening to tell on everyone and asking for mods to lock the threads. It only incites people to troll you harder.

Stop continually derailing Funky's threads. He's genuinely trying to spark some discussion, and we shouldn't put him down for doing so. As le rule 4 says, "make the forum a welcoming place for both old and new users."

Let's see, the last remotely interesting dream I had went something like this:
>In the Hunger Games
>Spend weeks training and honing my archery skills
>Embark on an epic quest to find out my true calling with my trusty steed Big Macintosh
>Follow some wisps into the forest
>Big Mac is uncharacteristically talkative and sounded like the Old Spice guy
>It's really creepy, and yet the same time, sort of hot, what with him underneath me and all.
>This close to the pony of my dreams
>Can't take it anymore
>Take of his yoke
>Take off his saddle
>Take off my jeans
>Take off my panties
>Approach him
>Palms are sweaty
>Knees weak, arms are heavy
>Vomit on my sweater already
>Mom’s spaghetti

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 01:04AM EDT

ExudesAffluence wrote:

I haven't slept in days because I'm worried I'll have nightmares about the Russian sleep experiment.

Hurrah for irony!

Your rule #1 pretty much excludes me from this thread, since most of my dreams are nightmares (and they're often gory, too).

Still, I'd be happy to share this old gem that I still find amusing after a year and a half.

Brucker wrote:

Hurrah for irony!

Your rule #1 pretty much excludes me from this thread, since most of my dreams are nightmares (and they're often gory, too).

Still, I'd be happy to share this old gem that I still find amusing after a year and a half.

As long as if there is no pictures, Nightmares are allowed.

Spores wrote:

As long as if there is no pictures, Nightmares are allowed.

I don't have nightmares:

I am the nightmare.
As for dreams, I have quite NSFW dreams involving a few KYM users (much to our firebug's disgust at times) and on occasion, a certain white alicorn. What can I say, I'm a bit…deprived.

There are only two vivid nightmares I can remember. Both are from when I was 3-4 years old

One involved being in a bathtub, taking your usual 4 year old bath when suddenly a Hercules beetle finds its way into the bathwater and starts swimming towards me.

Being 4 years old, my reaction to this beetle in my bathtup was to absolutely flip my shit and I started swimming around the bath in circles trying to get away from this damn bug and its huge creepy jaws but no matter where I swam, the damn thing kept following me. It was like it was able to ride on the waves I made, thus keeping perfect pace. This goes on until I woke up.

Second nightmare involved being lost without either of my parents in what appeared to be some South American river village. Looked like Chile or something. I don't know how I knew what South America looked like at the age of 4 but being lost without Mummy was scary. I think I woke up screaming for Mumzy after that.

20 years on and I have yet to have another another nightmare that scared me at all.


Oh really? Who?

I admitted that I had an NSFW dream with Gespenst so its your turn to do it now, do tell.

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 11:24AM EDT

Back Later wrote:

I don't have nightmares:

I am the nightmare.
As for dreams, I have quite NSFW dreams involving a few KYM users (much to our firebug's disgust at times) and on occasion, a certain white alicorn. What can I say, I'm a bit…deprived.



What is it with you and dreaming about bathtubs?

In terms of nightmares, the only one I can remember well is from when I was about 5, and I was in my mother's minivan (alone) in an abandoned parking lot by a church. I exited the car to go in the church, but then when I looked inside some psycho with a knife chased after it. So then I jumped back into the minivan to find a vampire and mummy in the two front seats. Then I woke up.

When I was about 14 or 15, I used to get a lot of night terrors. The first one I remember was where I put my head on my pillow, and as soon as I did, a ton of spiders leaked out of it and crawled all over me. I woke up, and for the next 2 hours, I was checking my pillow rather cautiously. I've also had ones with cockroaches instead of spiders.

I also had these ones where I was lying in my top bunk, and then suddenly all the bolts would come loose and I would start to fall, which is where I would then wake up. A couple of times I would have said night terror, wake up, go back to sleep, then immediately have the same one again.

I had a dream a while back; I was just sitting down in my chair watching TV. When all of a sudden I was teleported, I watched my body be dematerialized a second later I was rematerialized on a planet called Trasonas 6. This planet was inhabited by sentient sharks, they could talk and stand but they had no arms, they just had flippers. These sharks explained to me that I was going to be trialed for the crimes of mankind against sharks. As the trial went on, I realized that they just wanted to kill me so I just gave up. After the trial I was sentenced to battle to the death against a native species of the planet. I got to battle a Bearshark (It essential was a bear with its limbs replaced with fins) and before it could eat me I woke up. I would not consider this a nightmare, It was just weird.

Its with their avatars for the most part. Sometimes its X-Singular's, sometimes its yours, random users really. When its not their avatar, its what I imagine the user looks like, such as Alejandro, Twins, or RandomMan. I even had one where I had a make-out session with Nair's old soldier avatar. Weird as hell. Other than that, there's occasions where I end up full-on fucking a few users, and more often than not its the firebug, but every so often another random user will be there. But its more of love-oriented sex than mindless fucking though.
So yeah, now you know. I must be really, really deprived…

Last edited Jul 21, 2012 at 11:58AM EDT

I had a dream that I had to fight a robot and demon counterparts of my self.

I won, but barley.

I killed the robot with an armor piercing shotgun blast, and i killed the demon with the eyelander.

Too much video games.


Well really, those two bathtub involving dreams are actually the only dreams I can think of that ever featured such furniture. It's just by coincidence that both of them were notable enough for me to mention them here.


Something tells me that dream was somewhat influenced by Star Trek.


Clearly it's because this forum is populated by sexy beasts. It should come as no surprise really

KYM is an ever expanding reservoir of swag ;)


That could very well be the reason. After all my dream with Gespenst was directly caused from browsing the shipping thread then going straight to bed.


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