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Hardest Boss Fights

Last posted Mar 27, 2016 at 04:19AM EDT. Added Mar 15, 2016 at 10:00PM EDT
37 posts from 35 users

Out of curiosity, I'd like to know what you guys think is the hardest boss fight in any video game you've played.

The reason I ask is because of this: In my attempt to finish up what's left of Golden Sun: The Lost Age for my playthrough before moving on to GS: Dark Dawn, I seem to have encountered a side boss before the final boss that's harder than diamond.

His name: Dullahan. He is, perhaps, THE single hardest boss I've fought in any game. I've been grinding for XP for hours, and he's still killing off my characters with relative ease. I am absolutely awestruck at the fact that not only is he the only thing standing in my way from getting the last summon in the game (I'm kind of a completionist), but he's considered by many who've played the game to be even harder to beat than the final boss itself.

So yeah, Dullahan from Golden Sun: The Lost Age is my pick.

This motherfucker.

I'll just copy my response from the last thread like this:
"Holy hell, this is EASILY the hardest boss I’ve ever had the displeasure of facing in recent memory. He hits hard, fast, has tons of HP, is resistant to nearly every kind of magic, and breaks your guard in a single swing. I give you, the Fume Knight. And that’s only his first form. Once he’s down the half HP, he’ll power up that huge sword of his and ditch his small one entirely, and if he hits you even ONCE, you’ll die and have to redo the whole fight. He also lunges whenever you try to heal."

Twin Orcs from Wings of Vi. Note that it's made by the dev from I Wanna Be The Boshy.

Fuck Wings of Vi, but the Stockholm Syndrome is hitting me hard. I hate to love the game.

Last edited Mar 15, 2016 at 11:39PM EDT

^Don't you actually fight Margaret though and isn't she the extra boss you don't have to fight and she's ridiculously hard.

My answer to this question is never going to change

This is really difficult especially when you don't want to resort to spam and be all fair like. Not only do you need mad skills and reflex (you need to respond to things in fractions of a second if you want to live) but there is an element of luck in the game. Good luck, because you're literally going to need it.

Last edited Mar 16, 2016 at 08:12AM EDT

Nate χ (Blade of Dawn) wrote:

My father was once playing this game called Kingdom Hearts 2.5, and he was foaming at the mouth after dying several times to these bosses.

I can clearly see why.

I've beaten Kingdom Hearts 2.5 and I can assure you these bosses are pretty hard but not the hardest boss in the game. If you can, I recommend looking up "Mysterious Figure" boss battle for KH 2.5.

I would post the boss from Mushihime-sama Futari, but I've never even gotten to that boss so the hardest boss I've fought is probably

Ballos from Cave Story.

It's already bad enough that you have to go through the entire true cave as well as fight a boss before-hand, but this guy has 4 forms and you have to start all the way from the beginning of the cave if you die.

Still have yet to beat him.

Pretty much any of the boss fights in Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam, this issue is almost all of the bosses have attacks that hit all three characters at once. Then to make things worse if i manage to dodge that attack i always end up with atleast one bro KO'ed so i cant use any trio attacks and also end up having to heal. Plus some of the bosses will start with their strongest attacks.

Although honestly the most annoying boss in that game is Wiggler since Wiggler's strongest attack hits all three bros multiple times and he raises his power 2 times before attacking at the start (before using that attack) and you dont even do that much damage through countering it. Plus even after you are supposed to fight Kamek you have to defeat him quickly or else he will revive Wriggler (granted he will only be at half health, but still)

Nate χ (Blade of Dawn) wrote:

My father was once playing this game called Kingdom Hearts 2.5, and he was foaming at the mouth after dying several times to these bosses.

I can clearly see why.

I haven't beaten the Lingering will yet

Im almost through with all the data battles. I just need to beat Roxas, Luxord, Xaldin, and Xemnas and then i'll be done with it.

Fucking Dark Star Core…
Not only do you have to fight Dark Bowser before hand (though he's not that bad), not only do you have to mash the X button to out-vaccuum Dark Bowser for the Dark Star Core, NOT ONLY IS MOST OF HIS ATTACKS BULLSHIT, but if you die to his very hard to avoid/lotta damage attacks, you have to star all over again
I've only beaten him once and I've played the game several times…
(will never like this boss)
(great music though)

This pain on 9.0, remember my main is Mega Man so getting through there on 9.0 is devilishly hard for me, fortunately the only difficulties were getting to it and the Master Core, the third phase was easy for me, but this will be a grave fight that even the most experienced shiver from

Metal Gear Rising: How could've I known that Steven Armstrong's fight in the Jetstream Sam DLC was much tougher than in the main story? Then again, his yellow attacks simply made the confrontation much more difficult.

Undertale: Sans made good on his words and I definitely had the worst of bad times. After several days, I was burn out. In the end, I was like "fuck it, I'm done. I'm gonna watch somebody else's fight on youtube".

Banjo-Tooie: The Hag 1 battle in the main game is easy, however, everything goes to hell if you dare to test the boss replay mode through the opening menu. Nothing ever compares.

Necromagenvion wrote:

Metal Gear Rising: How could've I known that Steven Armstrong's fight in the Jetstream Sam DLC was much tougher than in the main story? Then again, his yellow attacks simply made the confrontation much more difficult.

Undertale: Sans made good on his words and I definitely had the worst of bad times. After several days, I was burn out. In the end, I was like "fuck it, I'm done. I'm gonna watch somebody else's fight on youtube".

Banjo-Tooie: The Hag 1 battle in the main game is easy, however, everything goes to hell if you dare to test the boss replay mode through the opening menu. Nothing ever compares.

Seriously, i hate that boss battle, I still need to win that battle to truly complete banjo tooie but its too fucking long and annoying

Asgore Dreemurr from Undertale. While not as difficult as Sans (as mentioned by ikiez above), he has a lot of health, and his fire attacks are tough to dodge (even if you have the Butterscotch Pie, which weakens his defense and attack). It takes me several tries to beat him on Neutral/Neutral Pacifist run.

Special mention: This is probably the hardest final boss in Mega Man series so far…


Bexen wrote:

Do i seriously need to comment this motherfucker ? Special mention to the death from above attack.

MRW I opened this thread to post Iji and it's already here:

For the sake of saying something unique, I'd like to bring up Emerald Weapon from FF7.

He's just way too tough and deals insurmountable amounts of damage. I spent each fight either only healing my party or turning it into a suicide mission that barely even puts a dent in his health. I even cheated to give my characters and materia maxed out levels and I still couldn't beat him. That was ten years ago, though; I didn't have internet back then. I'm sure if I followed a guide or walkthrough it would be feasible. Thank God its an optional boss, or I never would have finished the game.

Also there's this guy, from Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force.

I can't remember his name, but he's the last boss in the game. When I first played this game I spent hours fighting this guy and never managed to beat him. I finally gave up ever seeing the ending credits. Ten years later I picked it up again and did finally beat him, only to be rewarded with the worst laughtrack fade-out ending that I've probably ever seen.

Last edited Mar 17, 2016 at 06:47PM EDT



I'm dissapointed in how no one yet has mentioned a single SMT boss. Closest to that was ILoveNima mentioning Mega Dark Angel Hippie from P4, and he's pathetically easy, just a damage sponge (harder than Cabagge Boy though). How can you talk about hard bosses without mentioning Atlus's One Franchise? I may bring one later but for now, I'll start with a classic:

Digital Devil Saga 1, the Demi-Fiend. You see, this guy, is one of the toughest RPG bosses in history, and it's not an exageration. You must have at least nearly everyone at Lv99, with the best equipment and skills, just to have a small chance to win.

He has physical skills that hit your whole party multiple times, can cause status effects, and hit hard individually even when your defense is buffed. He is inmune to physical and elemental damage, so you can only hurt him with costly Almighty skills, and even then you won't deal much damage. Oh, and he has Pierce, so Phys resistance is useless. And if you got something that makes you inmune to his attacks somehow, then he uses Gaea Rage from the get-go.

He has like 10.000HP, and when he's about to die one of his Demons will use Diarahan to bring him back to full HP (thankfully, only does that once). When the battle begins, he summons 2 Demons, Cu Chulainn and Grimekhala, who each is a royal pain individually: Lancer increases your attack but heavily drops your defense, which means he'll kill you in seconds, and when not doing that Lancer will deal heavy Phys damage to you. Cyclophant meanwhile is constantly spamming Mamudoon, insta-kill party-targeting death spell with high chance of working.

And if you kill one of them he summons another Demon with different, but equally or even more annoying strategy. And every 3rd Demon he summons, he uses Gaea Rage, which insta-kills everyone in your party and it's almost impossible to avoid.

There is a strategy that makes beating him easier and even can avoid GR. But, it involves a specific character (the worst, actually) and a specific skill, and the best part? The strategy itself is heavily reliant on luck to work, and after that you still may lose. Videos about people beating him usually last about an hour. And even after defeat, he still manages to be badass.

The fun part though, is that Demi-Fiend is the protag of SMT3. In his game, you can get all the skills he uses in DDS….which are all mediocre, early/mid-game skills. Even his Demons are mid-game, with 1-2 exceptions. Hell, his boss fight theme in DDS is his normal battle theme in SMT3.

Hush (The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth)

Four words: TOO. MUCH. FUCKING. HEALTH! Even if you manage to get a very damaging item combo such as Polyphemus + Mom's Knife, you'll still be doing a small amount of damage to Hush. On top of that, you have to dodge waves of various shots that wouldn't be too outta place in any given bullet-hell game.

Egg Emperor from Sonic Heroes.

You have to keep moving and not fall behind or else you'll get charged attacked, and once you do get to the areas where you make your attack, there's tons of other enemies surrounding you that it's hard to focus on anything. The Egg Emperor itself also can't be attacked unless you disable its shield somehow, but the only way I've been able to do so it through a Team Blast, which is a major saving grace if you can successfully build one up. Oh and not to mention that this entire game is infamous for making it very easy to fall to your death.

Smiley Dog wrote:

Fucking Dark Star Core…
Not only do you have to fight Dark Bowser before hand (though he's not that bad), not only do you have to mash the X button to out-vaccuum Dark Bowser for the Dark Star Core, NOT ONLY IS MOST OF HIS ATTACKS BULLSHIT, but if you die to his very hard to avoid/lotta damage attacks, you have to star all over again
I've only beaten him once and I've played the game several times…
(will never like this boss)
(great music though)

ayy lmao all you need is to get the Rainbow rank for both Mario and Luigi then use your SP attacks Spin Pipe (recommended), Snack Basket (to take out his legs in one sweep when his eyes are already out), and Magic Window (if you want) to take out his eyes and legs. Then use the Powerful Badge and the the Excellent!! Badge (which works better if you've filled them up before the final battle) to boost your power up and use the Shooting Star attack. And with that, you can probably beat the Dark Star Core in just one turn (if one turn = both bros) after the legs are gone. Trust me, dude. I've beaten the final boss like this so many times, I've lost count.

Last edited Mar 25, 2016 at 01:41PM EDT

Metal Gear Sahelanthropus: Extreme Mode

Absolutely amazing music and atmosphere aside, this bastard is TOUGH until you learn how to handle his patterns. If you're like me and have too much pride to just use a goddamn tank or call an airstrike, you're fighting this batshit crazy 50 foot avalanche of metal and death with a rocket launcher, a flying fist, and not much else. If you don't cheese this fight by being a pragmatist, then this motherfucker will kick your ass ten ways to Sunday. However, once you get the hang of it, he's actually kinda easy.

Perfect Dark Gaia

This bitch is nearly impossible on the Wii Version without a gamecube controller. She hits fast, never gives you any rest, and will not let you get away with jack shit against her. Plus the targeting is so finicky, you're more or less zooming around constantly waiting for the Super Sonic Boost prompt to appear. And then the HD Version proves to be no slouch. You have to destroy a force field before this bitch rapes kills the fuck out of Chip. And she can still kick your ass. Not only that, but she can Kamehameha the fuck out of you while you're busy killing her flunkies. Then, you have to mash the X/Square button 50 FRICKIN' TIMES IN 10 SECONDS. That is not a hyperbole. They really made it feel like Sonic was fighting a god in this one.

Unlimited Azrael/Hakumen on Hell Mode

These two are fucking nightmares to fight. Hakumen interrupts your attacks and pokes you with a sword as long as Sephiroth's. Azrael tosses you all over the screen with a fucking horrifyingly good mixup and an even more crazy combo game, a vast difference from his normal self. Not only that, but these two more or less completely ignore your damage, shrugging off 4k damage like it is nothing. And finally they more or less spam their specials to no end, making your life, suitably, Hell. Hakumen is arguably worse than Azrael due to the fact that he can spam his extremely hard-hitting (AND BLOCK CRUSHING) specials.

Possessed Takumi

HOLY FUCKING HELL THIS GUY MAKES GRIMA LOOK LIKE A GODDAMN PLUSH TOY! Yeah sure, the concept seems simple. Just rush the bastard down, right? WRONG. This asshole has reinforcements that swarm your ass endlessly, slaughtering your army. And if they weren't enough, they respawn constantly, and this fuck even charges up an attack. Xenoblade fans, think Jade Face, only you have to reach cover in a turn-based system. If you don't find cover, this attack decimates your army, and on higher difficulties, I believe it is a ONE HIT KILL. And your troubles don't end there. He has an ability that gives him Awakening's pair-up system.. Yeah. The most broken thing ever introduced to the Fire Emblem franchise besides Galeforce is used against you. And DLC won't save you; apparently his level scales to match your army's stats.You thought the Dragon at the end of Blazing Sword was hard? This motherfucker is, truly, the most difficult battle in Fire Emblem Fates, and perhaps may be a contender for most difficult fight in the SERIES.

Last edited Mar 25, 2016 at 08:54PM EDT

there are 4 games from 2 game series i consider having the hardest boss fights i have ever played

those would be Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2
and Devil May Cry 1 and the original release of Devil May Cry 3

now the Ninja Gaiden games on Master ninja are hard as balls you need to master this game beacuse when you pick Master ninja the game doesn't Fuck around

NG Blacks most stand out hard as balls boss fight has got to be Alma both of her fights

this bitch was so good damn hard when you bump the difficulty the game adds two extra boss fight near the end of the game and 1 of them is an exact duplicate of her Alma's first fight and then immediately after her you have to fight completely new bitch who is only available on the harder difficulties so you have no practice against her what so ever

as for ninja gaiden 2 that game is full of Hard ass fights but for me Zedonius takes the cake for the one that gave me the hardest time

as for Devil May Cry 1 Dante must die mode is a really big challenge
since normally your devil trigger regenrates your heath but that is disabled on dante must die
but the 2 stick out fights from that are Nelo Angelo my favorite boss of all time

this guy will test you on Dante must die

there is also Mundus who is the last boss he is a really big pain in the ass since he shoots a ton of lasers at you

and last but certainly not least Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must die mode

enemies can pretty much kill you in 3 hits so yeah it pretty bull
but the bosses health bars are insanely long

Arkham is incredibly unfair since that one takes away your Devil Trigger and styles half way threw

but the best fight and equally hard are the Vergil fights
Vergil 1 is not that bad but Vergil 2 and 3 are hell since he can Devil Trigger and regen all of his health if you are really unlucky

anyway here is the master of Devil May Cry fighting him for your amusement

Last edited Mar 26, 2016 at 09:44PM EDT

This guy is THE hardest fallout boss in history. 10 in ALL S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats. Two weapons that will rip and tear your ass to hell and back. Enough armor to laugh at plasma fire. This guy is the definition of insane boss fights.

Fuck this guy back to the warp. enough said.

me and a friend co-oped this fucker and we were screaming in terror of how fast he could kill us


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