Critters Posting On 4chan
Part of a series on 4chan. [View Related Entries]
Critters Posting on 4chan is a two-pane image series comprised of a screenshot of a 4chan post written in defense of a particular species in the animal kingdom and an illustration anthropomorphically portraying the aforementioned creature as the original poster.
On May 14th, 2009, a post was submitted in the /v/ (video games) board on 4chan arguing that the majority of spiders are harmless and urging readers to "man the fuck up." A two-pane image was subsequently created featuring a screenshot of the post accompanied by an illustration of a giant spider angrily typing on a computer keyboard (shown below).

On May 25th, 2009, Felarya Forums[4] member /Fish/ submitted the two-pane comic in a spider photography thread. On July 26th, 2012, a post defending sharks was posted on 4chan, which was combined with an illustration of a shark seated at a keyboard (shown below).
![6a7.png Anonymous 07/26/12(Thu)00:37 No.148529961 [▼] >>148530118 >>148544559 148529731 F--- you, sharks are practically harmless to humans. Oh sure, a shark could easily kill a human, but when your an apex predator your time is valuable, and the time and effort spent killing and then consuming an awkward human body is a net loss for something that needs to eat many times its own weight to survive. Worst a shark would possibly do is a light, probing bite, like a puppy putting its teeth on you. When it realizes what you are it would back off](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/769/473/6a7.png)
On October 3rd, 2013, a post defending hornets as "total bros" was posted on 4chan along with a call for readers to "man the fuck up." A screenshot of the post was added to a two-pane image featuring a hornet seated a computer desk (shown below).

On April 24th, 2014, a 4chan user defended scorpions as "docile, loyal" pets on the /v/ board, which inspired the creation of an image matching the post with an illustration of a scorpion typing on a computer keyboard (shown below, left). On May 29th, an image was posted in a thread on the /v/[5] board combining an angry assertion that the 18th century classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was "not alive" with a painting of the deceased musician (shown below, right).

Various Examples

![e6f.png □ Anonymous 37 minutes ago No 225140865 [▼] 2-225 140976 222251410712-225141375 >>225141587 That fungus is not f------ funny. So many bat colonies have been decimated by that god damn disease, that was most likely introduced by humans to the bat populations It could lead to god damn extinction of many bat species. Not f------ funny.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/769/470/e6f.png)

External References
[1] Foolz – Example #1
[2] Foolz – Example #2
[3] Foolz – Example #3
[4] Felarya – Eww Spiders are Gross
[5] Deniable Plausibility – Is this actually true
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