Quagmire Toilet
Part of a series on Family Guy. [View Related Entries]
Quagmire Toilet refers to an image from an episode of Family Guy in which Quagmire looks like a toilet in the eyes of a sleep-deprived Peter. The image has been used in various image shitposts and video remixes.
The image comes from the Family Guy episode "Baby Got Black," which aired April 27th, 2014.[1] In the episode, Quagmire, Joe and Peter have a contest to see who can stay awake the longest. Towards the end of the competition, a sleep-deprived Peter hallucinates Quagmire turning into a toilet (shown below).
The image saw some light parodies in the beginning of 2019. It was uploaded to Imgflip[2] in March (shown below, left) and a Skyrim Skill Tree parody was posted to /r/dank_meme[3] on March 12th (shown below, right).
There were also some video parodies of the clip itself, adding various soundtracks to Quagmire's transformation. YouTuber meme b o y s posted a parody with the clip set to hip hop music on April 24th, 2019 (shown below, left). The most popular song used in these edits was "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven. After several of these edits were posted to YouTube, meme b o y s uploaded what would become the most popular version on the platform on May 27th, gaining over 149,000 views (shown below, right).
The clips and image edits were popular on Instagram. For example, user ask.familyguy posted an image edit that gained over 3,500 likes. User professionalretard.mp4 posted a video edit on October 9th, gaining over 123,000 views.
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man weed
Oct 25, 2019 at 03:14PM EDT in reply to
Neo Daedulus
Oct 25, 2019 at 04:08PM EDT