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Part of a series on Counter-Strike. [View Related Entries]


Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed refers to a copypasta popular in the gaming community which is often used as a humorous way to poke fun at moments when lag or poor game optimization prevents a kill. Originating from a Reddit comment made by a Valve employee, the copypasta gained significant popularity in the Counter-Strike community in the following years.


On August 17th, 2016, Redditor[1] Xzarp posted a clip of the professional Counter-Strike player Hiko allegedly getting "CSGO'd" (failing to achieve a kill due to lacking game optimization) to /r/GlobalOffensive subreddit (clip shown below).

In the thread, Valve employee ValveRyan[2] posted a potential explanation for why Hiko failed to get the kill despite perceivably landing 12 shots on a close opponent, dismissing shots one to five as missed, shots six to nine as missed due to recoil, shots ten to eleven missed due to recoil and inaccuracy and shot twelve as never being fired due to Hiko's dead status not yet being sent to the client. The comment received over 260 points in /r/GlobalOffensive in six months and was gilded.

ValveRyan Valve Employee 266 points · 3 years ago Hiko missed his spray. Images with explanations Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead. Give Award Share Report Save

Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.

As a part of the response, ValveRyan also made a detailed Imgur[3] post in which he explained why each of the shots did not land (shown below).

CSGO gets Hiko'd Next Post > Uploaded Aug 17 2016 HIKO GETS CSGOD "TofkbaRs\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Sykesiebs Audlo $150 matella 00 ArienaGrande's siebs e Back of 8 (RADIO): Fire in the hole! Syke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out O Hiko e Beck of B (RADI0) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel. O Hiko e Bombsite D .. ngi LIQUID THEWARSI SNOOPY TWI 1:13 O 71 *91 60 DUNKIO ON Shot 1: Clear miss HIKO GETS CSGOD TofRbRos\de_train.bp Audlo+ Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo T siebs Syke siebs Audto $150 atlla S00 ArianeGrande's A siebs e Back of B (RADIO): Fire in the hole! OSyke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out 7O iko e Beck of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out! O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel..a png nO Hiko e Bombsite B LIQUID CHA RS THEWARSL a o 71 e 91 1:13 SNOOPY TW DUNICID ON Shot 2: Clear miss
нко GЕTS CSCOD tofkbRYs\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 matela S 0 ArianaGrande's AK-47 Ciay (RADIO): Fire in the holet siebs e Back of B OSyke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut! O Hiko e Beck of B (RADIO) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Fire in the ho elon O Hiko P Bombsite 0 LIQUID FonTime THEWARSL 71 91 SNOOPY TWL EDUNCID ON 1:13 27 / 60 Shot 3: Clear miss нко GЕTS CSOOD YofkbaREy\de_train.bsp Audlo- Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke + siebs Audlo $150 matla 00 ArianaGrande's (RADIO): Fire in the hole! siebs e Back of B O Syke e Back of Bo (RADIO) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of B (RADIO) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO) Fire in the holm ,.. O Hiko e Bombsite B LIQUID CHAIRS THEWARSL. 1:13 71 91 SNOOPY TWI DUNKID ON 26 / 50 FOR EALIIO e Shot 4: Miss
HIKO GETS CSGOD BoRbRs\de_train.bsp Autflo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo 7 siebs Syke siebs Audlo EN $150 matla S00 ArianaGrande's AK-47 (RADIO FIren ihe holet Siebse Back of B O Syke e Back of B (RADIO): Smoke Dut! OO Hiko e Back of B(RADIO) Smoke Dut 4Oikoe Beck of B (RADIO): Fire in the hole! 2Syke P Bombsite B (RADI0): Smoke Out O Hiko P Bombsite B chote oN LIQUID THEWARSL 71 91 SNOOPY TW DUNKID ON 1:13 25 / 60 Shot 5: Miss HIKO GETS CSGOD YofkbR \de_train.bsp Audlo-Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke- siebs Audlo $150 mata S00 ArianaGrande's AK-47 Siebs e Back of B RADIO Fireiane hole OSyke e Back of B GO Hiko e Back of B TRADIO): Smoke Out! O Hiko e Bock of B (RADIO): Fire in the hole! O Syke e Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Out! (RADIO) Smoke Out! O HIKo Bombsite B LIQUID 0.291. THEWARSL. 1:13 71 91 24 750 SNOOPY TW DUNKID ON Shot 6: Miss. Also, recoil starting to visibly affect these shots (dink on train behind target is noticably above crosshair)
HIKO GETS CSGOD fofkbaR*\de_train.bsp Adlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audle siebs Syke- siebs Audlo $150 matela SE 00 ArianaGrande's AK-47 Siebse backof OSyke e Back of Bo (RADIO)F Smoke Out! 20 ikoe Back of BO (RADI0): Smoke Out O Hiko P Beck of BO (RADIO): Fire in the hole Syke Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut O Hiko e Bombsite B imetaie LIQUID CHARS THEWARSL 71 91 1:13 23 / 60 SNOOPY TWI DUNKID ON Shot 7: Near miss. Recoil causes shot to hit train behine HIKO GETS CSGOD MofbERY*\de_train.bsp Audla - Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo T siebs Syke siebs Audle $150 matla S1 00 ArianeGrande's AE-47 OSyke e Back of B O Hika e Back of B (RADIO): Smoke Out O Hiko e Beck of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel Syke e Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut O Hiko e Bombsite D (RADIOJ Smoke Out LIQUID 91 THEWARSL SNOOPY TWI 71 1:13 22 /60 DUNKID ON Shot 8: Clear miss if you take recoil into account 2.
HIKO GETS CSGOD "LKLRJY*\de_train.bsp Boit Audlo+ Xenez SGTCARSTEN Aud1o siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 SGES ArianaGrande's AK-47 Syke e Back of BRADIO): Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of B(RADIO): Smoke Dut O Hike e Bock of BO (RADIO): Fire in the hole SyKe e Bombsite BO (RADIO) Smoke Dut! O Hiko e Bombsite D LIQUID CHAIRS CHVIINIO r.-1.2 THEWARSL. SNOOPY TWI DUNID ON 71 91 1:13 21 / 50 Shot 9: Another miss due to recoil (above head) нко GЕTS CSCOD "ToRLRJy*\de_train.bsp Audlo- Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke- siebs Audia $150 ArtenaGrande's A-47 O Syke e Back of Bo (RADID): Smoke Dut! 64O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out O Hika e Beck of B (RAD10): Fire in the hole OSyke e Bombsite BO (RADID) Smoke Out! O Hiko e Bombsite D Choke OK LIQUID CHA RS THEWARSL. 71 91 SNOOPY TWI DUNKIO ON 1:13 20 / s0 Shot 10: Near miss. Shot 10 of the AK47 spray pattern goes above and to the right of the crosshair.
HIKO GETS CSGOD 2YoRL RP=\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 matlla 1E 00 ArienaGrande's AK-47 SyKe e Back of Bo (RADIO): Smoke Dut! GO Hiko e Back of B (RADI0): Smoke Out! GO Hiko e Beck of B (RADI0): Fire in the halel OSyke e Bombsite Bo (RADI0) Smoke Dut no Hko e Bombsite 0 LIQUID CHARS THEWARSL. aus O 71 6 91 SNOOPY TWI. DUNKID ON 1:12 19 /60 2 Shot 11: Closest. Enemy is rotating very quickly: probably counted as a body shot on the shoulder or a near miss above it. Could be due to slight frame differences in lag compensation and/or crappy youtube encoding missing the frame where the shot actually happened. HIKO GETS CSGOD "YoRLRJYPs\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Aulo siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 matla SE00 AcianaGrande's AK-47 Syke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out 4O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Outi 2O iko e Beck of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel 2 Syke e Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut! O Hiko e Bombsite 0 LIQUID THEWARSL a 44 SNOOPY TWI DUNKID ON 1:12 18 / 60 Shot 12: Not an actual shot I am pretty sure Hiko is already dead here; the client updates its ammo count when it sees you fire, but with 45ms ping there's another 22ms for that to get to the server and 22ms more for the server to communicate the damage that already happened.


The copypasta did not see spread until on February 24th, 2017, Redditor[4] ThatJumpyJumpS made a comment parodying ValveRyan's post, responding to a clip of a breakable vent grate not being broken by shooting at it on Cache. The comment received over 140 upvotes in six months (shown below).

ThatJumpyJumpS Winstrike Fan 145 points · 3 years ago Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hike grumd was already dead. souce Give Award Share Report Save

Following the comment, the copypasta started to spread in /r/GlobalOffensive. For example, on February 26th, 2017, Redditor[5] Presisor posted the copypasta, gaining four downvotes. On March 8th, 2017, Redditor[6] mmberg used the copypasta as a response to a clip of fl0m not getting an AWP kill (shown below, left). A May 30th, 2017, tweet by Twitter[7] user @Mollsdas marks the earliest known use of the copypasta outside of Reddit (shown below, right).

mmberg 5 Year Subreddit Veteran 152 points · 3 years ago Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because fl0m was already dead. Give Award Share Report Save
This Tweet is unavailable. Molsdas @Mollsdas Replying to @DonHaci Throws 1-5: Clearly missed. Throws 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). 2:06 PM · May 30, 2017 · Twitter Web Client

In the following years, the copypasta received a massive spread both within the Counter-Strike community and outside of it, being used as a way to poke fun at moments when lag or poor game optimization prevents a kill, or to ridicule players who missed an easy kill.

Various Examples

Tyler | Code WILDCAT Okay.I mean season 5 is great.but sometimes.this game doo doo. @L_AM_WILDCAT - Jul 12, 2018 #Fortnite LAZY UNKS *+4 0:07 49.3K views 48 27 76 1.6K TUCKER TRASH @JERICHO Replying to @l_AM_WILDCAT Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. 2:07 PM · Jul 12, 2018 · TweetDeck 111 111
Haci @DonHaci - May 21, 2019 are u having a laugh? @csgo_dev TERRORISTS 9 1:0 9 COUNTER-TERRORISTS 0:03 30.6K views 27 70 39 1.6K DJ @priusCSGO Replying to @DonHaci Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Don was already dead 2:06 AM May 22, 2019 · Twitter for Android

MrGrimmmz @MrGrimmmmz · Jan 9 Tarkov was definitely interesting today, the clip says it all :) Also got Iceborne prep done! See yall tomorrow for Iceborne, sleep well <3 SORET 0:05 25.2K views 64 t7 15 10 243 Oliver Steffens @dat_olen Replying to @MrGrimmmmz Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. 5:06 AM - Jan 9, 2020 · Twitter Web App
Vincent C. @Brehze · Apr 2 Everything is under control. ESL Counter-Strike @ESLCS · Apr 2 Bruh. live.proleague.com #ESLProleague 0:22 EVIL mibr MIBR 11 11 Evil Geniuses Vs EEL ESI t Smn #ESLPROLEAGUE PRO nwiian 1IO EDIL Brehze +100 100 25 3 14 1 3וו 17 tasja 110 GGBET 51 t7 123 3.7K Chet Singh @ImAPet1 Replying to @Brehze and @EvilGeniusesCs Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-15: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 15-30: Went to the next map in the series 9:40 PM · Apr 2, 2020 · Twitter Web App
Noob @TheGodlyNoob · Apr 20 It's pretty obvious that this game is very competitive EDEY I0 2:40 0X ? ? ? ? ? Jalogar (10) 0:25 15.9K views 81 17 41 841 Chowder @TheChowderhead Replying to @TheGodlyNoob Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. 5:23 PM · Apr 20, 2020 · Twitter Web Client

Search Interest

External References

[1] Reddit – Hiko gets CSGO'd

[2] Reddit – ValveRyan

[3] Imgur – CSGO gets Hiko'd

[4] Reddit – ThatJumpyJumpS

[5] Reddit – Presisor

[6] Reddit – mmberg

[7] Twitter – @Mollsdas

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Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed

Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed

Part of a series on Counter-Strike. [View Related Entries]

Updated May 04, 2021 at 11:57AM EDT by Philipp.

Added May 11, 2020 at 05:55PM EDT by Philipp.

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


Shots 1-5: Clearly Missed refers to a copypasta popular in the gaming community which is often used as a humorous way to poke fun at moments when lag or poor game optimization prevents a kill. Originating from a Reddit comment made by a Valve employee, the copypasta gained significant popularity in the Counter-Strike community in the following years.


On August 17th, 2016, Redditor[1] Xzarp posted a clip of the professional Counter-Strike player Hiko allegedly getting "CSGO'd" (failing to achieve a kill due to lacking game optimization) to /r/GlobalOffensive subreddit (clip shown below).

In the thread, Valve employee ValveRyan[2] posted a potential explanation for why Hiko failed to get the kill despite perceivably landing 12 shots on a close opponent, dismissing shots one to five as missed, shots six to nine as missed due to recoil, shots ten to eleven missed due to recoil and inaccuracy and shot twelve as never being fired due to Hiko's dead status not yet being sent to the client. The comment received over 260 points in /r/GlobalOffensive in six months and was gilded.

ValveRyan Valve Employee 266 points · 3 years ago Hiko missed his spray. Images with explanations Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead. Give Award Share Report Save

Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.

As a part of the response, ValveRyan also made a detailed Imgur[3] post in which he explained why each of the shots did not land (shown below).

CSGO gets Hiko'd Next Post > Uploaded Aug 17 2016 HIKO GETS CSGOD "TofkbaRs\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Sykesiebs Audlo $150 matella 00 ArienaGrande's siebs e Back of 8 (RADIO): Fire in the hole! Syke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out O Hiko e Beck of B (RADI0) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel. O Hiko e Bombsite D .. ngi LIQUID THEWARSI SNOOPY TWI 1:13 O 71 *91 60 DUNKIO ON Shot 1: Clear miss HIKO GETS CSGOD TofRbRos\de_train.bp Audlo+ Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo T siebs Syke siebs Audto $150 atlla S00 ArianeGrande's A siebs e Back of B (RADIO): Fire in the hole! OSyke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out 7O iko e Beck of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out! O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel..a png nO Hiko e Bombsite B LIQUID CHA RS THEWARSL a o 71 e 91 1:13 SNOOPY TW DUNICID ON Shot 2: Clear miss нко GЕTS CSCOD tofkbRYs\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 matela S 0 ArianaGrande's AK-47 Ciay (RADIO): Fire in the holet siebs e Back of B OSyke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut! O Hiko e Beck of B (RADIO) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Fire in the ho elon O Hiko P Bombsite 0 LIQUID FonTime THEWARSL 71 91 SNOOPY TWL EDUNCID ON 1:13 27 / 60 Shot 3: Clear miss нко GЕTS CSOOD YofkbaREy\de_train.bsp Audlo- Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke + siebs Audlo $150 matla 00 ArianaGrande's (RADIO): Fire in the hole! siebs e Back of B O Syke e Back of Bo (RADIO) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of B (RADIO) Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO) Fire in the holm ,.. O Hiko e Bombsite B LIQUID CHAIRS THEWARSL. 1:13 71 91 SNOOPY TWI DUNKID ON 26 / 50 FOR EALIIO e Shot 4: Miss HIKO GETS CSGOD BoRbRs\de_train.bsp Autflo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo 7 siebs Syke siebs Audlo EN $150 matla S00 ArianaGrande's AK-47 (RADIO FIren ihe holet Siebse Back of B O Syke e Back of B (RADIO): Smoke Dut! OO Hiko e Back of B(RADIO) Smoke Dut 4Oikoe Beck of B (RADIO): Fire in the hole! 2Syke P Bombsite B (RADI0): Smoke Out O Hiko P Bombsite B chote oN LIQUID THEWARSL 71 91 SNOOPY TW DUNKID ON 1:13 25 / 60 Shot 5: Miss HIKO GETS CSGOD YofkbR \de_train.bsp Audlo-Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke- siebs Audlo $150 mata S00 ArianaGrande's AK-47 Siebs e Back of B RADIO Fireiane hole OSyke e Back of B GO Hiko e Back of B TRADIO): Smoke Out! O Hiko e Bock of B (RADIO): Fire in the hole! O Syke e Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Out! (RADIO) Smoke Out! O HIKo Bombsite B LIQUID 0.291. THEWARSL. 1:13 71 91 24 750 SNOOPY TW DUNKID ON Shot 6: Miss. Also, recoil starting to visibly affect these shots (dink on train behind target is noticably above crosshair) HIKO GETS CSGOD fofkbaR*\de_train.bsp Adlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audle siebs Syke- siebs Audlo $150 matela SE 00 ArianaGrande's AK-47 Siebse backof OSyke e Back of Bo (RADIO)F Smoke Out! 20 ikoe Back of BO (RADI0): Smoke Out O Hiko P Beck of BO (RADIO): Fire in the hole Syke Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut O Hiko e Bombsite B imetaie LIQUID CHARS THEWARSL 71 91 1:13 23 / 60 SNOOPY TWI DUNKID ON Shot 7: Near miss. Recoil causes shot to hit train behine HIKO GETS CSGOD MofbERY*\de_train.bsp Audla - Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo T siebs Syke siebs Audle $150 matla S1 00 ArianeGrande's AE-47 OSyke e Back of B O Hika e Back of B (RADIO): Smoke Out O Hiko e Beck of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel Syke e Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut O Hiko e Bombsite D (RADIOJ Smoke Out LIQUID 91 THEWARSL SNOOPY TWI 71 1:13 22 /60 DUNKID ON Shot 8: Clear miss if you take recoil into account 2. HIKO GETS CSGOD "LKLRJY*\de_train.bsp Boit Audlo+ Xenez SGTCARSTEN Aud1o siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 SGES ArianaGrande's AK-47 Syke e Back of BRADIO): Smoke Out O Hiko e Back of B(RADIO): Smoke Dut O Hike e Bock of BO (RADIO): Fire in the hole SyKe e Bombsite BO (RADIO) Smoke Dut! O Hiko e Bombsite D LIQUID CHAIRS CHVIINIO r.-1.2 THEWARSL. SNOOPY TWI DUNID ON 71 91 1:13 21 / 50 Shot 9: Another miss due to recoil (above head) нко GЕTS CSCOD "ToRLRJy*\de_train.bsp Audlo- Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke- siebs Audia $150 ArtenaGrande's A-47 O Syke e Back of Bo (RADID): Smoke Dut! 64O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out O Hika e Beck of B (RAD10): Fire in the hole OSyke e Bombsite BO (RADID) Smoke Out! O Hiko e Bombsite D Choke OK LIQUID CHA RS THEWARSL. 71 91 SNOOPY TWI DUNKIO ON 1:13 20 / s0 Shot 10: Near miss. Shot 10 of the AK47 spray pattern goes above and to the right of the crosshair. HIKO GETS CSGOD 2YoRL RP=\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Audlo siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 matlla 1E 00 ArienaGrande's AK-47 SyKe e Back of Bo (RADIO): Smoke Dut! GO Hiko e Back of B (RADI0): Smoke Out! GO Hiko e Beck of B (RADI0): Fire in the halel OSyke e Bombsite Bo (RADI0) Smoke Dut no Hko e Bombsite 0 LIQUID CHARS THEWARSL. aus O 71 6 91 SNOOPY TWI. DUNKID ON 1:12 19 /60 2 Shot 11: Closest. Enemy is rotating very quickly: probably counted as a body shot on the shoulder or a near miss above it. Could be due to slight frame differences in lag compensation and/or crappy youtube encoding missing the frame where the shot actually happened. HIKO GETS CSGOD "YoRLRJYPs\de_train.bsp Audlo Xenez SGTCARSTEN Aulo siebs Syke siebs Audlo $150 matla SE00 AcianaGrande's AK-47 Syke e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Out 4O Hiko e Back of BO (RADIO): Smoke Outi 2O iko e Beck of BO (RADIO): Fire in the holel 2 Syke e Bombsite BO (RADIO): Smoke Dut! O Hiko e Bombsite 0 LIQUID THEWARSL a 44 SNOOPY TWI DUNKID ON 1:12 18 / 60 Shot 12: Not an actual shot I am pretty sure Hiko is already dead here; the client updates its ammo count when it sees you fire, but with 45ms ping there's another 22ms for that to get to the server and 22ms more for the server to communicate the damage that already happened.


The copypasta did not see spread until on February 24th, 2017, Redditor[4] ThatJumpyJumpS made a comment parodying ValveRyan's post, responding to a clip of a breakable vent grate not being broken by shooting at it on Cache. The comment received over 140 upvotes in six months (shown below).

ThatJumpyJumpS Winstrike Fan 145 points · 3 years ago Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hike grumd was already dead. souce Give Award Share Report Save

Following the comment, the copypasta started to spread in /r/GlobalOffensive. For example, on February 26th, 2017, Redditor[5] Presisor posted the copypasta, gaining four downvotes. On March 8th, 2017, Redditor[6] mmberg used the copypasta as a response to a clip of fl0m not getting an AWP kill (shown below, left). A May 30th, 2017, tweet by Twitter[7] user @Mollsdas marks the earliest known use of the copypasta outside of Reddit (shown below, right).

mmberg 5 Year Subreddit Veteran 152 points · 3 years ago Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because fl0m was already dead. Give Award Share Report Save This Tweet is unavailable. Molsdas @Mollsdas Replying to @DonHaci Throws 1-5: Clearly missed. Throws 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). 2:06 PM · May 30, 2017 · Twitter Web Client

In the following years, the copypasta received a massive spread both within the Counter-Strike community and outside of it, being used as a way to poke fun at moments when lag or poor game optimization prevents a kill, or to ridicule players who missed an easy kill.

Various Examples

Tyler | Code WILDCAT Okay.I mean season 5 is great.but sometimes.this game doo doo. @L_AM_WILDCAT - Jul 12, 2018 #Fortnite LAZY UNKS *+4 0:07 49.3K views 48 27 76 1.6K TUCKER TRASH @JERICHO Replying to @l_AM_WILDCAT Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. 2:07 PM · Jul 12, 2018 · TweetDeck 111 111 Haci @DonHaci - May 21, 2019 are u having a laugh? @csgo_dev TERRORISTS 9 1:0 9 COUNTER-TERRORISTS 0:03 30.6K views 27 70 39 1.6K DJ @priusCSGO Replying to @DonHaci Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Don was already dead 2:06 AM May 22, 2019 · Twitter for Android
MrGrimmmz @MrGrimmmmz · Jan 9 Tarkov was definitely interesting today, the clip says it all :) Also got Iceborne prep done! See yall tomorrow for Iceborne, sleep well <3 SORET 0:05 25.2K views 64 t7 15 10 243 Oliver Steffens @dat_olen Replying to @MrGrimmmmz Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. 5:06 AM - Jan 9, 2020 · Twitter Web App Vincent C. @Brehze · Apr 2 Everything is under control. ESL Counter-Strike @ESLCS · Apr 2 Bruh. live.proleague.com #ESLProleague 0:22 EVIL mibr MIBR 11 11 Evil Geniuses Vs EEL ESI t Smn #ESLPROLEAGUE PRO nwiian 1IO EDIL Brehze +100 100 25 3 14 1 3וו 17 tasja 110 GGBET 51 t7 123 3.7K Chet Singh @ImAPet1 Replying to @Brehze and @EvilGeniusesCs Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-15: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 15-30: Went to the next map in the series 9:40 PM · Apr 2, 2020 · Twitter Web App Noob @TheGodlyNoob · Apr 20 It's pretty obvious that this game is very competitive EDEY I0 2:40 0X ? ? ? ? ? Jalogar (10) 0:25 15.9K views 81 17 41 841 Chowder @TheChowderhead Replying to @TheGodlyNoob Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. 5:23 PM · Apr 20, 2020 · Twitter Web Client

Search Interest

External References

[1] Reddit – Hiko gets CSGO'd

[2] Reddit – ValveRyan

[3] Imgur – CSGO gets Hiko'd

[4] Reddit – ThatJumpyJumpS

[5] Reddit – Presisor

[6] Reddit – mmberg

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