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Part of a series on Social Media Influencer. [View Related Entries]


Top 10 Jobs Kids Want is an exploitable infographic used in a series of memes based on a list of 10 jobs that modern kids want, which was compiled as a result of a 2017 survey. The original report concluded that over a third of children wanted to become YouTubers when they grow up. In memes, the list is typically parodied with the original jobs from the top 10 humorously replaced.


On May 27th, 2017, the British tabloid The Sun[1] published the results of a survey conducted by travel company First Choice on a sample size of 1000 children aged 6 to 17. According to the results, 34.2 percent of the survey named "YouTuber" as one of their job picks, with 18.1 percent choosing "Blogger/Vlogger" and 16 percent choosing "Musician/Singer" (survey results shown below).

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Youtuber - 34.2% 2. Blogger/Vlogger - 18.1% 3. Musician/Singer - 16% 4. Actor - 15.7% 5. Film maker - 13.65 6. Doctur/Nurse - 13.45 7. TV Presenter - 12.45 8. Athlete/Teacher - 11.9% 9. Writer - 8.4% 10. Lawyer - 6.4%

On March 22nd, 2021, Twitter[2] user @zebulgar posted the survey results to Twitter, commenting, " how depressing. our society has failed to provide ambitious role models to our children." The tweet gained over 6,500 retweets and 40,800 likes in one year (shown below).

delian @zebulgar how depressing our society has failed to provide ambitious role models to our children TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Youtuber - 34.2% 2. Blogger/Vlogger - 18.1% 3. Musician/Singer - 16% 4. Actor - 15.7% 5. Film maker - 13.65 6. Doctur/Nurse - 13.45 7. TV Presenter - 12.45 8. 9. Writer - 8.4% 10. Lawyer - 6.4% Athlete/Teacher - 11.9% ... 11:03 AM. Mar 22, 2021. Twitter for iPhone


On March 22nd, 2021, Twitter[3][4] users @lunch_enjoyer and @biboofficial tweeted the two earliest edits of the list, replacing the original positions with humorous, often absurd alternatives. The posts (shown below, left and right) gained over 5,100 retweets and 50,600 likes and 14,300 retweets and 113,100 likes, respectively, in one year.

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Sebulba - 34.2% 2. Barbershop Quartet - 18.1% 3.CEO of Comcast-16% 4. Wizard - 15.7% 5. Fishmonger- 13.65 6. My Best Friends - 13.45 7. The Craigslist Killer- 12.45 8. M&M Store Employee - 11.9% 9.Weird Guy - 8.4% 10.Wishmaster- 6.4%
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. onlyfans - 34.2% 2. video games - 18.1% 3. crazy ass white boy 16% die - 15.7% 4. 5. baby yoda - 13.65 6. cat boy -13.45 7. bridge troll -12.45 8. master sommelier - 11.9% 9. making juice 8.4% 10. bug -6.4%

The trend continued in the following days as more people parodied the survey results. For example, on March 23rd, 2021, the official Facebook[5] page for the animated series Bob's Burgers gained over 4,100 reactions and 240 shares in a year (shown below, left).

On August 15th, 2022, Tumblr[6] user aflo posted another edit of the list that referenced various memes, such as Wojak and Up Yours, Woke Moralists (authorship unconfirmed, shown below, right). The post gained over 17,600 likes and reblogs in two months.

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Jazz club owner - 34.2% 2. Italian restaurant owner - 18.1% 3. Guidance counselor - 16% 4. Health inspector - 15.7% 5. Mortician - 13.65% 6. Martial arts instructor - 13.45% 7. Gym owner - 12.45% 8. Documentary filmmaker - 11.9% 9. Museum security guard - 8.4% 10. Roller rink manager - 6.4%
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Tik tok - 34.2% 2. wojak artist - 18.1% 3. woke moralist - 16% 4. Driver - 15.7% 5. bureaucrat- 6. airbnb squatter 7. holy fool 8. Highwayman/Train 9. crisis actor - 8.4% 13.65 -13.45 - 12.45 robber - 11.9%

In October 2022, the post received viral spread online as it and its "remastered" version were widely reposted on Facebook[7] and other platforms.

Various Examples

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Caterpillar - 42.7% 2. Ride-on lawnmower operator - 32% 3. Swarm of locusts - 27.5% 4. Barrister/Barista - 22.2% 5. Percentages expert - 17 6. Twitter shitposter - 19.9% 7. Muppet - 8.9 8. Vessel of Cthulhu - 6% 9. Firetruck - Y% 10. Space -
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT releasing an album on - 34.2% 1. PAN 2. white they/them - 18.1% 3. deconstructed club dj 16% 4. karl marx - 15.7% 5. techno twitter - 13.65 person who 6. understands - 13.45 supercollider 7. - 12.45 frog 8. field recording artist - 11.9% 9. benadryl 8.4% CEO of tiktok -6.4% 10.
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT puddle_boot 1. she/they - 34.2% 2. Ketamine dealer - 18.1% 3. Meme page admin - 16% 4. White - 15.7% 5. Hasbulla - 13.65 6. Jeffrey Epstein - 13.45 7. Hyperpop artist - 12.45 8. Nepotism baby - 11.9% 9. Retail at Heaven by Marc Jacobs-8.4% O Podcast host - 6.4%

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT Dolly Parton impersonator 1. 2. bigtittyhonkthot - 18.1% 3. denim daddy 16% Dwight Yoakam's 4 Mooseknuckle 15.7% - 34.2% 5. slutty stepmom - 13.65 6. gray zaddi -13.45 7. Mark Chesnutt 12.45 8. Baby Yoda wearing a - 11.9% cowboy hat 18.4% - 6.4% 9. Ford Mechanic 10. Cavender's Manager
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Guy Who Repeatedly Shouts "Hey" In The Instrumentals Of Rap Songs - 85.2% 2. Yoshi - 73.4% 3. Niche Anime Reviewer - 64.2% 4. Racist Podcast Producer - 44.2 5. Doctur/Nurse/Athlete - 106.4 6. Normie Canceller - 66.2$% 7. American Idol - 45.9% 8. ANTEFA Agent - 8% 9. Elon Musk - 0
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. BQs - 34.2% 2. video games - 18.1% 3. crazy ass white boy 16% die -15.7% 4. 5. meme admin-13.65 6. Drug dealer - 13.45 7. bridge troll - 12.45 8. master sommelier - 11.9% 9. Furry artist 8.4% 10. bug -6.4%

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Top 10 Jobs Kids Want meme example.

Top 10 Jobs Kids Want

Part of a series on Social Media Influencer. [View Related Entries]

Updated Oct 18, 2022 at 05:10PM EDT by Zach.

Added Oct 18, 2022 at 12:58PM EDT by Philipp.

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Top 10 Jobs Kids Want is an exploitable infographic used in a series of memes based on a list of 10 jobs that modern kids want, which was compiled as a result of a 2017 survey. The original report concluded that over a third of children wanted to become YouTubers when they grow up. In memes, the list is typically parodied with the original jobs from the top 10 humorously replaced.


On May 27th, 2017, the British tabloid The Sun[1] published the results of a survey conducted by travel company First Choice on a sample size of 1000 children aged 6 to 17. According to the results, 34.2 percent of the survey named "YouTuber" as one of their job picks, with 18.1 percent choosing "Blogger/Vlogger" and 16 percent choosing "Musician/Singer" (survey results shown below).

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Youtuber - 34.2% 2. Blogger/Vlogger - 18.1% 3. Musician/Singer - 16% 4. Actor - 15.7% 5. Film maker - 13.65 6. Doctur/Nurse - 13.45 7. TV Presenter - 12.45 8. Athlete/Teacher - 11.9% 9. Writer - 8.4% 10. Lawyer - 6.4%

On March 22nd, 2021, Twitter[2] user @zebulgar posted the survey results to Twitter, commenting, " how depressing. our society has failed to provide ambitious role models to our children." The tweet gained over 6,500 retweets and 40,800 likes in one year (shown below).

delian @zebulgar how depressing our society has failed to provide ambitious role models to our children TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Youtuber - 34.2% 2. Blogger/Vlogger - 18.1% 3. Musician/Singer - 16% 4. Actor - 15.7% 5. Film maker - 13.65 6. Doctur/Nurse - 13.45 7. TV Presenter - 12.45 8. 9. Writer - 8.4% 10. Lawyer - 6.4% Athlete/Teacher - 11.9% ... 11:03 AM. Mar 22, 2021. Twitter for iPhone


On March 22nd, 2021, Twitter[3][4] users @lunch_enjoyer and @biboofficial tweeted the two earliest edits of the list, replacing the original positions with humorous, often absurd alternatives. The posts (shown below, left and right) gained over 5,100 retweets and 50,600 likes and 14,300 retweets and 113,100 likes, respectively, in one year.

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Sebulba - 34.2% 2. Barbershop Quartet - 18.1% 3.CEO of Comcast-16% 4. Wizard - 15.7% 5. Fishmonger- 13.65 6. My Best Friends - 13.45 7. The Craigslist Killer- 12.45 8. M&M Store Employee - 11.9% 9.Weird Guy - 8.4% 10.Wishmaster- 6.4% TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. onlyfans - 34.2% 2. video games - 18.1% 3. crazy ass white boy 16% die - 15.7% 4. 5. baby yoda - 13.65 6. cat boy -13.45 7. bridge troll -12.45 8. master sommelier - 11.9% 9. making juice 8.4% 10. bug -6.4%

The trend continued in the following days as more people parodied the survey results. For example, on March 23rd, 2021, the official Facebook[5] page for the animated series Bob's Burgers gained over 4,100 reactions and 240 shares in a year (shown below, left).

On August 15th, 2022, Tumblr[6] user aflo posted another edit of the list that referenced various memes, such as Wojak and Up Yours, Woke Moralists (authorship unconfirmed, shown below, right). The post gained over 17,600 likes and reblogs in two months.

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Jazz club owner - 34.2% 2. Italian restaurant owner - 18.1% 3. Guidance counselor - 16% 4. Health inspector - 15.7% 5. Mortician - 13.65% 6. Martial arts instructor - 13.45% 7. Gym owner - 12.45% 8. Documentary filmmaker - 11.9% 9. Museum security guard - 8.4% 10. Roller rink manager - 6.4% TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Tik tok - 34.2% 2. wojak artist - 18.1% 3. woke moralist - 16% 4. Driver - 15.7% 5. bureaucrat- 6. airbnb squatter 7. holy fool 8. Highwayman/Train 9. crisis actor - 8.4% 13.65 -13.45 - 12.45 robber - 11.9%

In October 2022, the post received viral spread online as it and its "remastered" version were widely reposted on Facebook[7] and other platforms.

Various Examples

TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Caterpillar - 42.7% 2. Ride-on lawnmower operator - 32% 3. Swarm of locusts - 27.5% 4. Barrister/Barista - 22.2% 5. Percentages expert - 17 6. Twitter shitposter - 19.9% 7. Muppet - 8.9 8. Vessel of Cthulhu - 6% 9. Firetruck - Y% 10. Space - TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT releasing an album on - 34.2% 1. PAN 2. white they/them - 18.1% 3. deconstructed club dj 16% 4. karl marx - 15.7% 5. techno twitter - 13.65 person who 6. understands - 13.45 supercollider 7. - 12.45 frog 8. field recording artist - 11.9% 9. benadryl 8.4% CEO of tiktok -6.4% 10. TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT puddle_boot 1. she/they - 34.2% 2. Ketamine dealer - 18.1% 3. Meme page admin - 16% 4. White - 15.7% 5. Hasbulla - 13.65 6. Jeffrey Epstein - 13.45 7. Hyperpop artist - 12.45 8. Nepotism baby - 11.9% 9. Retail at Heaven by Marc Jacobs-8.4% O Podcast host - 6.4%
TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT Dolly Parton impersonator 1. 2. bigtittyhonkthot - 18.1% 3. denim daddy 16% Dwight Yoakam's 4 Mooseknuckle 15.7% - 34.2% 5. slutty stepmom - 13.65 6. gray zaddi -13.45 7. Mark Chesnutt 12.45 8. Baby Yoda wearing a - 11.9% cowboy hat 18.4% - 6.4% 9. Ford Mechanic 10. Cavender's Manager TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. Guy Who Repeatedly Shouts "Hey" In The Instrumentals Of Rap Songs - 85.2% 2. Yoshi - 73.4% 3. Niche Anime Reviewer - 64.2% 4. Racist Podcast Producer - 44.2 5. Doctur/Nurse/Athlete - 106.4 6. Normie Canceller - 66.2$% 7. American Idol - 45.9% 8. ANTEFA Agent - 8% 9. Elon Musk - 0 TOP 10 JOBS KIDS WANT 1. BQs - 34.2% 2. video games - 18.1% 3. crazy ass white boy 16% die -15.7% 4. 5. meme admin-13.65 6. Drug dealer - 13.45 7. bridge troll - 12.45 8. master sommelier - 11.9% 9. Furry artist 8.4% 10. bug -6.4%

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Nothing new, really… just that "Youtuber" absorbed a ton of what previously would be "singer" or "actor" or "film maker". Kids tend to have completely unrealistic imaginations of themselves what they will be when they are young.


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