Ogey Rrat
Part of a series on Usada Pekora. [View Related Entries]
Ogey Rrat refers to a short clip of Hololive Vtuber Usada Pekora playing Metal Gear Solid 3, in which she utters the phrase "Okay, rrrat!" after killing a rat and picking up a "R.RAT" (Russian ration). Since late 2020, the catchphrase became popular among Hololive fans accross boards in 4chan, where "rrat" became synonym with narrative, whereas "ogey" was associated with a reaction image of Pekora with eyes wide-open, often used to call out rrats or shitposts.
On April 11th, 2020, Hololive Virtual YouTuber Pekora held her first live playthrough of Metal Gear Solid 3.[1] On that same month, YouTube channel Peko Subs uploaded part three of a series of subtitled highlights from her stream, with Pekora saying "Okay~ Rrrrat!" nine minutes in. The video was re-uploaded[2] on May 21st (shown below, left), but the clip had already been shared sporadically on 4chan's /jp/ board since April 27th[3][4][5] as a WebM hosted on Catbox (earliest shown below, right).

The stream's excerpt was first uploaded to YouTube by user Ryuko T-72[6] on July 23rd. However, on August 26th, 35Prime[7] reposted it with the title "Ogey Rrat," making it one of the earliest instances to be spelled in such a way (shown below). The video reached over 243,000 views in two years.
Additionally, the term "rrat" was apparently first associated with "narratives" on October 11st, after an anonymous user on /jp/ noted "can't spell narrative without rrat."[8]

The catchphrase first spread within Hololive threads on 4chan's /jp/ board and then on /vt/ once it was created in early 2021. However, one of its first mentions outside that community happened on September 4th, 2020, when a Reddit user[9] posted a meme on r/Hololive featuring Pekora taking an order at a fast-food and cooking a rat (shown below, left). On November 2nd, YouTuber viedo gaems[10] uploaded a Potion Seller meme of an "schizoposter" refusing to give his narratives to another user, both represented by warped ogeys (shown below, right). Later, on December 12nd, u/BiggestGuyUUUU[11] made a post on r/okbuddyhololive using the reaction image of the Vtuber, which some recognized from 4chan.

On March 24, 2021, user Among Them[12] submitted a definition for "Ogey" to Urban Dictionary quoting a recurrent joke "law" which states that "For every Ogey there must be an equal and opposite Rrat." On April 27th, user 445731[13] submitted a definition for "rrat."
On July 16th, the Facebook page Usada Pekoraposting[14] posted a meme presenting different stages of Pekora gradually becoming a rat (shown below, left). The picture accumulated over 2,700 reactions in less than 4 months. On August 18th, user u/John_The_Autist[15] posted in r/Hololive a Piper Perri meme with Vtuber Hakos Baelz protrayed as a "rrat," surrounded by other nekomimi Hololive members (shown below, center). The post reached over 3,000 points as of October 2021. On October 3rd, u/SomeCoolkidguy[16] posted a GIF of Yagoo, Cover Corp's CEO, holding a levitating Ogey orb, which gained over 8,900 points in a month (shown below, right).

Ogey Edits
An ogey refers to any distorted reaction image based off a cropped edit of Pekora's face, used to express dismissal or ironic disbelief. These are usually shared in threads on /vt/ and used as a reaction to "rrats", shitposts, theories or conspiracies within Vtuber lore or about their real-life personas. The unedited version of the image (shown below, left) was first posted on /jp/ back in May 1st, 2020.[17]

ogeyrr.at was a short-lived competitive clicker website launched in late 2020 that allowed users to click on two buttons and tracked the amount of "ogeys" and "rrats" pressed. The use of auto clickers inflated the numbers to a point in which both scores marked over 20 million in March 2021,[18] and over 40 million in April.[19] Shortly after, the site went down indefinitely.

Various Examples

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External References
[1] YouTube (video unavailable) – 【METALGEARSOLID3】シリーズ完全初見!あのスネーク始まりの物語ぺこ!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】 / Posted on 11-04-2020
[2] YouTube – Peko Gear Solid 3: Dynamite Body (Part 3) [Usada Pekora][Hololive/ENG SUB] / Posted on 05-21-2020
[3] Archived.Moe – /jp/ post #23595428 / Posted on 04-27-2020
[4] Archived.Moe – /jp/ post #24675922 / Posted on 07-09-2020
[5] Archived.Moe – /jp/ thread #25748604 / Posted on 08-25-2020
[6] YouTube – Pekora saying 'R-Rat' / Posted on 06-23-2020
[7] YouTube – Usada Pekora – Ogey Rrat / Posted on 08-26-2020
[8] Warosu.org – /jp/ post #27538743 / Posted on 10-11-2020
[9] Reddit – ogey / Posted on 09-04-2020
[10] YouTube – schizo poster by viedo gaems / Posted on 2020-11-02
[11] Reddit – ogey RRAT by u/BiggestGuyUUUU /Posted on 12-12-2020
[12] Urban Dictionary – Ogey / Posted on 03-24-2021
[13] Urban Dictionary – rrat / Posted on 04-27-2021
[14] Facebook – Usada Pekoraposting's post / Posted on 06-09-2021
[15] Reddit – ogey by u/John_The_Autist / Posted on 08-19-2021
[16] Reddit – ogey by u/SomeCoolkidguy / Posted on 10-03-2021
[17] Warosu.org – /vt/ post #23632487 / Posted on 05-01-2020
[18] Warosu.org – /vt/ thread #2012902 / Posted on 03-29-2021
[19] Warosu.org – /vt/ thread #2602797 / Posted on 04-16-2021
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