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Part of a series on Hatsune Miku / Vocaloid. [View Related Entries]

が必ず 死んだ34f L700ます.


"When I get home my wife always pretends to be dead." (Japanese : 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。, Ie ni Kaeru to Tsuma ga Kanarazu Shindafuri wo Shiteimasu.) is a question posted to the Japanese Yahoo! Answer in 2010.

This epic funny question caused a big wave on the Japanese web by one Vocaloid song, and also had spreaded to both the Chinese & Taiwanese web and the mainstream of Japanese pop culture.


This question was posted by Yahoo! user K.Kajunsky in July 17th, 2010.[1]

家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 kka lunskyさん 決 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています どういうことなのてはうか? 家に帰り玄関を開けると妻が倒れていました。 最初は驚きましたが毎日やるので ほら起きてと流すようになりました。 すると翌日は口から血を流しており 1週間後は白い シャツが血まみれだったリ 最近ではネタがなくなったのか? または煮詰まりすぎて思考が狂ってきたのか? 頭に弓矢が突き抜けていたリ ビニール袋を被っていた火息してるので思いっきり袋が伸縮している) 昨日は軍服を着て銃を抱えたまま名誉の戦死を遂げていました。 もちろん妻の横を素通りしています 妻はどうして欲しいのか? そしてこの先どこに行きたいのか? 全く分かりません。誰か教えてください。 この間など頭に弓矢が貫通したまま 夕飯を作っていました。 補足 多くの回答で驚いています。春先でしたかダイイングメッセージで「かつお」と書かれてお り、今日はかつおのたたきとわかったので食事中今日のは機能的でよいと褒めたことも あります。しかし翌日ピエロ(ドナルド)が倒れていました。すぐ調子に乗ります。メイク落と すの手伝い大変です 軍服はアーミーショップで揃えたようです。無駄遣いしないようにと注意しましたら今日は お手製のワニと思われる生き物に食べられていました。 違反報告 質問日時: 2010/7/17 16:28:47 回答数: 1,716 閲覧数: 1,041,787 解決日時: 2010/8/1 06:01:55 お礼: 500枚 ソーシャルブックマークへ投稿:

When I get home, my wife always pretends to be dead.
What makes it happen ?
When I got home, she was lying down on the entrance.
At the beginning, I was surprised. But it was continued everyday, I got used to it, and became ignoring her with saying "Hey, wake up".
Then, blood was coming out of her mouth in next day.
One week after, she was wearing blood-soaked shirt.
I don't know if she is lately running out of ideas or getting crazy.
But, one day, an arrow was piercing her head. The other day, she was putting a plastic bag on her head (it was apparently waving with her breath).
She was wearing a military dress and had an honorable death in battle with holding a gun yesterday.
Of course, I always go past her.
What she wants me to do ?
Where is she going?
I haven't got a clue. Please tell me why.
One day, she was fixing supper with leaving an arrow piercing her head.
Additional Details
I'm surprised at getting so many answers.

It was probably this spring, she left a dying message "Bonito" and I could get what was supper's menu in that day. I praised her at that dinner as that was very intelligent. However, a clown (Ronald McDonald) was lying down in the next day. She easily gets carried away. It's a hard work for me to help removing her makeup.

It seems she bought a millitary dress at a millitary shop. I warned her not wasting money. Then, she was ate by an crocodile of her own making today.


This quite nonsense but heartwarming question soon reached many Japanese internet users through many information hubs such as 2channel, mixi, hatena bookmark and twitter. This topic was covered by several online news sites.[2][3]

In addition, What gave further popularity to this question was a Vocaloid song singing this story by comical lyrics. This song was made by the Japanese famous vocaloid creator Hobonichi-P (ほぼ日P) who was inspired by this question. Since after the song was uploaded to the Japanese video sharing service Nico Nico Douga on July 30th, 2010[4], many fan-arts for this song have been uploaded to there.[5]

This song was also covered by many online media.[6][7]


By the popularity of this vocaloid song and many fan-arts, both the original and several fan-arts including singing cover and a hand drawn animated video were packed into vocaloid compilation music albums and movie clip collection which were serially released in 2011.

One of those compilation albums Vocalonexus[8] that include this song and other popular vocaloid songs such as Matryoshka and Pop Heart Sutra from Heart Sutra Remixes got the 1st place in the Japanese daily pop music album sales chart in January of that year.[9]

Furthermore, this question was published as a comic in June 2011. The story of this comic is based not only on the original question, but also on other episodes posted to K.Kajunsky's blog[10] that he launched after this big success.

し死妻家 てんがに いだ必帰 まふずる すリ 91 作*K.Kajunsky 漫画★ ichida ツンデレ?ヤンデレ?DIONDE ウチの妻は 死んデレです。 Yahoo!知恵袋の伝説の質問が まさかのコミック化!!

The catch copy of this comic was : Tsundere? Yandere? Nope, my wife is Shindere (Dead-lovey).

Chinese & Taiwanese Fandom

This song also became popular among some Chinese and Taiwanese vocaloid lovers, though they didn't know its background so much. Many of chinese funsub videos have been reuploaded to both YouTube and Chinese online video sharing services.[11] And several Chinese & Taiwanese people also have posted their original hand drawn animated videos to there.

As a result of this popularity, a Taiwanese TV news reported this online phenomena on Chinese-speaking countries in October 2010.

This question has an entry on Baidu Baike[12], the largest Chinese interet encyclopedia.[13] It also describes about Hobonichi-P's song.

Notable Examples

Animated video featuring Kaito and Miku Hatsune[14]

halyosy's vocal mix[15]

[This video has been removed]

Live Action[16]

[This video has been removed]

Chinese & Taiwanese Draw


[This video has been removed]

APH Hetalia

Su HuanJen(素還真) and Tan Wuyu(談無慾) from Tiwanese puppet show: Pili Budaixi[17]

Search Interest

External References

Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos listed in this section.

[1] Yahoo! Answer – 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 / 07-17-2010 (Japanese)

[2] – 家に帰ると妻が死んだふりするんです! 軍服を着て戦死したり口から血を流した演出 / 07-22-2010 (Japanese)

[3] Nico Nico Douga – 【初音ミク】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 / Posted on 07-23-2010

[4] Nico Nico Douga – Search results for 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています

[5] Impress Internet Watch – 【やじうまWatch】 iPhoneで操作&空撮までできるラジコンヘリがすごいと評判 ほか / 07-29-0210 (Japanese)

[6] – 「家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています」がまさかの初音ミクオリジナルソングになった! / 07-30-2010 (Japanese)

[7] Hatena Bookmark News – Yahoo!知恵袋「家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。」を初音ミクが歌うと / 07-30-2010 (Japanese)

[8] Vocaloid Wiki – EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalonexus feat. Miku Hatsune

[9] DENGEKi ONLINE – 初音ミクなどのボカロコンピCDがまたまたオリコン1位を獲得! / 01-20-2011 (Japanese)

[10] Yahoo! blog – K.Kajunsky's Diary (Japanese)

[11] YouTube – Search results for 每天回家都會看到

[12] Wikipedia – Baidu Baike – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[13] Baidu Baike – 每天回家都会看到我老婆在装死 (Chinese)

[14] Nico Nico Douga – 【手書きMAD】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。【カイミク】 / Posted on 07-31-2010

[15] Nico Nico Douga – 【halyosy】「家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。」を歌ってみた / Posted on 08-03-2010

[16] Nico Nico Douga – 【実写】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 / Posted on 08-06-2010

[17] Wikipedia – Pili (TV series)

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When I get home my wife always pretends to be dead

When I get home my wife always pretends to be dead

Part of a series on Hatsune Miku / Vocaloid. [View Related Entries]

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が必ず 死んだ34f L700ます.


"When I get home my wife always pretends to be dead." (Japanese : 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。, Ie ni Kaeru to Tsuma ga Kanarazu Shindafuri wo Shiteimasu.) is a question posted to the Japanese Yahoo! Answer in 2010.

This epic funny question caused a big wave on the Japanese web by one Vocaloid song, and also had spreaded to both the Chinese & Taiwanese web and the mainstream of Japanese pop culture.


This question was posted by Yahoo! user K.Kajunsky in July 17th, 2010.[1]

家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 kka lunskyさん 決 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています どういうことなのてはうか? 家に帰り玄関を開けると妻が倒れていました。 最初は驚きましたが毎日やるので ほら起きてと流すようになりました。 すると翌日は口から血を流しており 1週間後は白い シャツが血まみれだったリ 最近ではネタがなくなったのか? または煮詰まりすぎて思考が狂ってきたのか? 頭に弓矢が突き抜けていたリ ビニール袋を被っていた火息してるので思いっきり袋が伸縮している) 昨日は軍服を着て銃を抱えたまま名誉の戦死を遂げていました。 もちろん妻の横を素通りしています 妻はどうして欲しいのか? そしてこの先どこに行きたいのか? 全く分かりません。誰か教えてください。 この間など頭に弓矢が貫通したまま 夕飯を作っていました。 補足 多くの回答で驚いています。春先でしたかダイイングメッセージで「かつお」と書かれてお り、今日はかつおのたたきとわかったので食事中今日のは機能的でよいと褒めたことも あります。しかし翌日ピエロ(ドナルド)が倒れていました。すぐ調子に乗ります。メイク落と すの手伝い大変です 軍服はアーミーショップで揃えたようです。無駄遣いしないようにと注意しましたら今日は お手製のワニと思われる生き物に食べられていました。 違反報告 質問日時: 2010/7/17 16:28:47 回答数: 1,716 閲覧数: 1,041,787 解決日時: 2010/8/1 06:01:55 お礼: 500枚 ソーシャルブックマークへ投稿:

When I get home, my wife always pretends to be dead.
What makes it happen ?

When I got home, she was lying down on the entrance.
At the beginning, I was surprised. But it was continued everyday, I got used to it, and became ignoring her with saying "Hey, wake up".

Then, blood was coming out of her mouth in next day.
One week after, she was wearing blood-soaked shirt.

I don't know if she is lately running out of ideas or getting crazy.
But, one day, an arrow was piercing her head. The other day, she was putting a plastic bag on her head (it was apparently waving with her breath).
She was wearing a military dress and had an honorable death in battle with holding a gun yesterday.

Of course, I always go past her.

What she wants me to do ?
Where is she going?
I haven't got a clue. Please tell me why.

One day, she was fixing supper with leaving an arrow piercing her head.

Additional Details

I'm surprised at getting so many answers.

It was probably this spring, she left a dying message "Bonito" and I could get what was supper's menu in that day. I praised her at that dinner as that was very intelligent. However, a clown (Ronald McDonald) was lying down in the next day. She easily gets carried away. It's a hard work for me to help removing her makeup.

It seems she bought a millitary dress at a millitary shop. I warned her not wasting money. Then, she was ate by an crocodile of her own making today.


This quite nonsense but heartwarming question soon reached many Japanese internet users through many information hubs such as 2channel, mixi, hatena bookmark and twitter. This topic was covered by several online news sites.[2][3]

In addition, What gave further popularity to this question was a Vocaloid song singing this story by comical lyrics. This song was made by the Japanese famous vocaloid creator Hobonichi-P (ほぼ日P) who was inspired by this question. Since after the song was uploaded to the Japanese video sharing service Nico Nico Douga on July 30th, 2010[4], many fan-arts for this song have been uploaded to there.[5]

This song was also covered by many online media.[6][7]


By the popularity of this vocaloid song and many fan-arts, both the original and several fan-arts including singing cover and a hand drawn animated video were packed into vocaloid compilation music albums and movie clip collection which were serially released in 2011.

One of those compilation albums Vocalonexus[8] that include this song and other popular vocaloid songs such as Matryoshka and Pop Heart Sutra from Heart Sutra Remixes got the 1st place in the Japanese daily pop music album sales chart in January of that year.[9]

Furthermore, this question was published as a comic in June 2011. The story of this comic is based not only on the original question, but also on other episodes posted to K.Kajunsky's blog[10] that he launched after this big success.

し死妻家 てんがに いだ必帰 まふずる すリ 91 作*K.Kajunsky 漫画★ ichida ツンデレ?ヤンデレ?DIONDE ウチの妻は 死んデレです。 Yahoo!知恵袋の伝説の質問が まさかのコミック化!!

The catch copy of this comic was : Tsundere? Yandere? Nope, my wife is Shindere (Dead-lovey).

Chinese & Taiwanese Fandom

This song also became popular among some Chinese and Taiwanese vocaloid lovers, though they didn't know its background so much. Many of chinese funsub videos have been reuploaded to both YouTube and Chinese online video sharing services.[11] And several Chinese & Taiwanese people also have posted their original hand drawn animated videos to there.

As a result of this popularity, a Taiwanese TV news reported this online phenomena on Chinese-speaking countries in October 2010.

This question has an entry on Baidu Baike[12], the largest Chinese interet encyclopedia.[13] It also describes about Hobonichi-P's song.

Notable Examples

Animated video featuring Kaito and Miku Hatsune[14]

halyosy's vocal mix[15]

[This video has been removed]

Live Action[16]

[This video has been removed]

Chinese & Taiwanese Draw


[This video has been removed]

APH Hetalia

Su HuanJen(素還真) and Tan Wuyu(談無慾) from Tiwanese puppet show: Pili Budaixi[17]

Search Interest

External References

Editor’s Note: Registration is needed to browse the original videos listed in this section.

[1] Yahoo! Answer – 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 / 07-17-2010 (Japanese)

[2] – 家に帰ると妻が死んだふりするんです! 軍服を着て戦死したり口から血を流した演出 / 07-22-2010 (Japanese)

[3] Nico Nico Douga – 【初音ミク】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 / Posted on 07-23-2010

[4] Nico Nico Douga – Search results for 家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています

[5] Impress Internet Watch – 【やじうまWatch】 iPhoneで操作&空撮までできるラジコンヘリがすごいと評判 ほか / 07-29-0210 (Japanese)

[6] – 「家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています」がまさかの初音ミクオリジナルソングになった! / 07-30-2010 (Japanese)

[7] Hatena Bookmark News – Yahoo!知恵袋「家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。」を初音ミクが歌うと / 07-30-2010 (Japanese)

[8] Vocaloid Wiki – EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalonexus feat. Miku Hatsune

[9] DENGEKi ONLINE – 初音ミクなどのボカロコンピCDがまたまたオリコン1位を獲得! / 01-20-2011 (Japanese)

[10] Yahoo! blog – K.Kajunsky's Diary (Japanese)

[11] YouTube – Search results for 每天回家都會看到

[12] Wikipedia – Baidu Baike – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[13] Baidu Baike – 每天回家都会看到我老婆在装死 (Chinese)

[14] Nico Nico Douga – 【手書きMAD】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。【カイミク】 / Posted on 07-31-2010

[15] Nico Nico Douga – 【halyosy】「家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。」を歌ってみた / Posted on 08-03-2010

[16] Nico Nico Douga – 【実写】家に帰ると妻が必ず死んだふりをしています。 / Posted on 08-06-2010

[17] Wikipedia – Pili (TV series)

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